Spam, wouldn't be surprised if storm came in here and gave you a good lesson to learn via a Warning Increase.
If you want to stay on the forum, I suggest stop spamming.
W0ww....Your bored? Arent we all? Anyway.... No spammerss!! We cant really do anythingg. All Storm can do is bann them....
mattymoohmds said:
i just want more posts
Posts counts do not matter, I post a lot, and I wouldn't really care if I got moved back to 1000 posts, Or something, It doesn't make you cooler/popular if you spam or have more posts.
K.K. said:
If you join my site there is a forum just for Spam
wrong forum. Go to advertisements. But spamming is cheap and posting random crap for a higher post count is wrong and will get you banned.