Here is what I have goten in the mail today.
There was more but I didn't type it.
So what do you think?
and yes I made the typos. coughminoritycough
Deleted Personal info. :yes:
Dear Tyler,
Congratulations! As a result of your outstanding academic achivments and demonstrated leadership potential, you have been selected to represtn __________ Middle School and the state of Pennslyvanina at the 2006 Junior National Young Leaders Confrence (JrNYLC) this summer at Washington, D.C.
You were nominated by yout teacher who reconized you as an outstaning individual who as achived academic excellence and possesses strong leadership potenitnal. When you accept your nomination to become a Junior National Scholar, you will join a select group of middle school students from around the country for the educational experince of a lifetime. Once again, I congratulate you on your achivments and I look forward to meeting you personally this summer in Washington, D.C. this summer.
Donna J. Snyder
Managining Director of Education
There was more but I didn't type it.
and yes I made the typos. coughminoritycough
Deleted Personal info. :yes: