I've been having a sort through of my storage and i have lots of duplicates or things that aren't the right colour for my future island colour scheme. I don't want to just hand them over at Nooks and trading individually is too much effort - so i thought i would just open my gates for a few hours and let people come and pick up some bits. I have:
The DODO code is 6JK2M. Turn left when you arrive and as always please be respectful of my island (which is currently a mess as i am flattening)
- Furniture
- Rugs
- Clothes
- Bags
- Hair accessories
- Flooring
- Wallpaper
- KK songs
- Pumpkin starts
- Fishbait
The DODO code is 6JK2M. Turn left when you arrive and as always please be respectful of my island (which is currently a mess as i am flattening)
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