Operation: Reality Rift


Retired Staff
Jan 5, 2005
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Red Candy
Operation: Reality Rift
Table of Contents
Nothing yet...​

Alright I have been trying to think up an amazing contest to have on here, and did I ever think of one.

Phase one: Creative writing

Gear up your thinking cap. I am quite certain everyone of you has at least an interesting short story you can tell. To participate think up a story sometime between now and the end of July. Write it out, try to polish it a bit, and then release it on here in your own thread. PM me a link to it and I will add it to a table of contents that will be at the top of this thread once there are entries. Everyone is allowed to make as many entries as they want. I would prefer to stick to the sci-fi and fantasy genres for your writing, although any sort of fiction will be fine. Poems and poetry are allowed as well, though I would hope you would contribute multiple poems at once.

NOW is your chance to show off what you can do. Basically write up a story, if going to be longer, try and break it up into chapters. Poems and poetry are also welcome, but if that is the case submit more than one.

HELP others with their stories, feel free to ask for help as well if you hit a writers block. I want to see the stories actually evolve on here.

CREATE new worlds, and help polish other people's worlds as they help yours.

By participating if your stories become well liked, you put forth the effort and provide fair and helpful critiques, you can be nominated to be rewarded. It takes 5 nominations from your fellow TBTians to make the nominated list. You can be nominated for your story or even for being a helpful, productive critic. the number of nominations will be kept track of as well, much like a high score chart.

To nominate someone send me a PM detailing who you want to nominate and why. Please do not nominate lightly, I want these nominations to have shown there creativity and work for it. In the end I will have the final say. If I know you are conspiring with others for these nominations, I'll just ignore them.

In addition to nominating there will be a secondary recognition system. It will add to the rating of your works that you create. People can each post a point addition for each of the following categories once per entry. This will help show you your writing strengths.

Grammar Spelling Creativity Fascinating Mysterious Romantic Scary Humor

Example: I really enjoyed your story, it was well written and actually spooked me a bit. +1 Grammar +1Spelling +1 Fascinating +1 Scary

This rating would boost those areas up one. You would only be able to boost each story by one point in each area. As the stories can be edited so can your points, if you see improvement on a story in a direction feel free to post that you want to change your scoring and what to change it to.

All who have been nominated will receive a chance to win games from my rather large collection of gifts on steam. It is possible that I being the nice type will find some fitting reward for you through other means if for whatever reason you can't play on steam or already own all the games I can currently offer. That bridge will be crossed when we get there, but I assure you I will try to get something.

Once the creative writings are all submitted, we can look through the best presented, and if we as a community think it worthy, even try getting a book made out of our short stories. This is highly theoretical at this juncture, but I could see the possibility of actually getting something published. If this occurs those who have works that made the cut will be including in every part of the process, and those nominated for being helpful editors in a way will also receive recognition.

Phase 2: This will be like phase one, except for those who prefer drawing or creating other works of art as opposed to writing. With a slight twist though. All artwork must portray something from a creative writing work on this project. Yet again opportunities to be nominated and receive prizes. If work is good enough would also be likely to be included in the final collection if made to print.

Categories to point-boost for art work are as follows

Realism Shading Color Intrigue Proportion Emotion Vision(how well you made it based off the story chosen.)

I realize this seems a little overzealous, after all getting a work published is no laughing matter. I do believe there is enough talent and creativity around here to create something of worth. At the very least you might get a free game out of it. Please don't be discouraged if people don't like your story. As I said there will be no limit on submissions, so please try as many stories as you like. I will be making at least one story myself, not to win a game from myself of course :p

We can do this though. I am confident that if we really put our minds to it, something worthwhile will be created whether or not it see the light of day ;)
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Ohgod no.
There goes my chance of ever getting one of those games.

EDIT: Read the whole post, so just editing can get you nominated?
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this piques my interest.


and this seems really really really complex. i hope people aren't scared off. a shortened tl;dr of the points graded on + the two phases would be grand, sporge. :)

Phase 1: Story
The wordsmiths of TBT will let their creativity flow, as they tell their tale for the rest of TBT to enjoy. Their work will be read thoroughly, and judged on the following points:
Phase 2: Art
The artists of TBT will take the liberty of illustratin the writer's story, and their work will be critiqued with the following points:
I am a bit depressed that humor isn't mentioned anywhere. Oh well, time to get to work.
We have to have something that encompasses each Grammar Spelling Creativity Fascinating Mysterious Romantic Scary Humor?
We have to have something that encompasses each Grammar Spelling Creativity Fascinating Mysterious Romantic Scary Humor?

Frankenstein's monster is murdered one night at his mansion, and a detective is called in to investigate the suspects. Slowly, he falls in love with one of them. Hilarity ensues.
Gah, this is awesome~ I would love to participate, but I'm not a very good writer and my procrastinator tendencies may get in the way, eheh. But I really look forward to reading everyone's entries! ^^
No those are to help you judge what people judged your book to be about. The points you gain may help your final standing, but having all categories is just silly. More think of it as a ranking for specific categories. Like the academy award for best comedy, doesn't even consider horror, but there could be a comedy and horror for best picture.

I must have explained it weirdly :/

Eventually I will fix it up nicer lol the goal is to strive for points in the areas you choose... though spelling and grammar are always good :p