Zero_13 said:
Soren would've worked well, considering he's one of the few people in Radiant Dawn (In my opinion) who can do well with any of the three elemental types of magic.
Soren- Light weight class (The controls are based off of a Gamecube controller's controls.)
A- Soren punches, his hand glowing green with wind energy.
A>- Like the standard A attack, Soren punches, but this attack sends him sliding forward. The smash/C> engulfs the entire front of Soren's body with energy.
A^- Soren waves his hand above his head, spreading weak electrical energy in his arm's path. In the smash/C>, he claps above his head, shooting a small bolt of lightning up in the air.
Av- Soren claps his arms togethor, causing small flames to shoot out his sides. In the smash/Cv, the flames are larger and more powerful.
Bv- Balganone- Fire shoots out of the ground around Soren, inflicting heavy damage to anyone near him. Soren's slowest attack.
B>- Thunder- Soren shoots a yellow bolt of electricity from his hand. It quickly flies straight forward until it hits a wall or character or flies off the screen. Very low damage, but Soren recovers from it almost instantly.
B^- Tornado- Soren jumps, spinning, into the air, and a green tornado forms around him. He hovers for about 2-5 seconds, depending on how long it has been since the attack was last used. He can be "flown" around the stage in that time. Inflicts medium damage, but takes a second for him to recover afterwards.
B- Arcwind- A green sphere of wind energy forms around Soren, absorbing all attacks and damaging anyone who touches him. (Holding B down prolongs the attack, but like the L/R shield, it slowly shrinks, and will stun Soren if allowed to completely disappear. The attack regenerates when not being used.) Low damage, moderately quick recovery.
Final Smash- Flare- Soren glows gold and jumps into the air. Soren will hang there for approximately ten seconds, while the player tilts the control stick and presses B to shoot gold-green balls of energy out of Soren's body. These move a little faster than the stars from Ness/Lucas' PK Starstorm, but deal slightly less damage. The player can launch about seven attacks before the Final Smash ends. Any attempt to attack Soren during the Final Smash will heal him for about half as much as it would hurt him normally. Afterwards, Soren drops to the ground, and takes about a second and a half to recover.
Yeah, I kind of already thought about this a little bit. Didn't bother with throws, aerial attacks, etc., though. Also, not sure how well this would work, but does anybody think there are any Fire Emblem items that would fit into the game?