Selling Or trading LUCKY THE LAZY MUMMY DOG . . . In boxes

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Oct 19, 2013
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Sure, he finally decided to move just after gamzee found one! So I guess he is up for grabs. :)
I think there were some others out there looking for him, so please let me know.
Thanks. :)
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I was after him >.< but i dont have bells and the only villagers i have that i can trade is sterling and flo ;(
Anyway, i hope he gets a good home ^^
I was after him >.< but i dont have bells and the only villagers i have that i can trade is sterling and flo ;(
Anyway, i hope he gets a good home ^^

I just want him to have a good home with someone who loves him. :)
You can have him.
Do you have room to come get him?

I just didn't want someone to take him just because he was free so they could resell him.
So . . . Do you have room for a really sweet little dog? :)
Thank you so much *_* with him i can finally have all my dreamies, a friend is holding julian for me ;3

I have room, yes xD
Thank you so much *_* with him i can finally have all my dreamies, a friend is holding julian for me ;3

I have room, yes xD

I added you and my gate is open. :) My town is LeoCreek. :)

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Sorry but he is wearing a shirt one of his friends sent him. :/
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