Mar 9, 2020 #1 H Harrian Junior Member Joined Mar 6, 2020 Posts 11 Bells 8 Feedback 100% (1) + Hello! A villager has asked me for oranges and I also need them in my town. Can someone help me with this? Can trade some apples for them. Thank you! My friend code is in my profile, just post yours if interested. Thanks.
Hello! A villager has asked me for oranges and I also need them in my town. Can someone help me with this? Can trade some apples for them. Thank you! My friend code is in my profile, just post yours if interested. Thanks.
Mar 9, 2020 #2 mayorhoney kanataP Joined Jun 24, 2018 Posts 78 Bells 302 Switch 5548-8119-9101 Feedback 100% (12) + Hi! I have oranges in my town and I can give you some!
Mar 30, 2020 #3 BubbleGuppy Junior Member Joined Mar 30, 2020 Posts 11 Bells 18 Feedback 0% (0) + Hello, my town's main fruit is oranges so if you come by, you can take some anytime. I could take 3 apples for every 3 oranges you take.
Hello, my town's main fruit is oranges so if you come by, you can take some anytime. I could take 3 apples for every 3 oranges you take.