Selling Original Ankha!


Dec 16, 2016
Waluigi Easter Egg
Waluigi Easter Egg
Waluigi Easter Egg
Waluigi Easter Egg
Waluigi Easter Egg
100% (244) +
Ankha is in my town right now and I'm probably going to cycle her out soon, so might as well see if anyone else wants her!

I just want to rehome her so I'm selling her cheap for 5 tbt

Thanks for looking!
Sorry, I'm a bit new here... How much is 5 tbt?

If you look on the left section where you have posted under your name. The bells is your TBT it stands for the bell tree! It is the currency used here. As you can see I have alot more bells 320 to be exact! That is just because I have been on here for a longer period of time!
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I'd absolutely love to rehome her, when do you think she'd be ready to move out?
Sorry, I'm a bit new here... How much is 5 tbt?

To add what to Hayleigh said, you can trade with tbt or post a lot to earn more of them :) Welcome to the forums!

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I'd absolutely love to rehome her, when do you think she'd be ready to move out?

She will be ready anytime you want as I'll be using an amiibo card to replace her :) I'll be available to trade later on, like 6pm nzst onwards if that suits you!
Really sorry, going to have to let her go to somebody else, I had almost forgotten but I'm waiting on an Ankha from someone else, thank you anyway :)
No worries at all :)

She's still available!

Can I take her!

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I will not be available tomorrow however I will be available on Saturday my timezone is GMT+1 I live in England and will keep a check on the forums!