Ornament Wreaths given to villagers are always blue, even if you customize them


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May 28, 2017
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I've noticed this as I've given one ornamental wreath to Bill, Marina and Alfonso, after I customized them to change their colors to better match these villagers favorite colors (blue, pink and red, respectively, with blue being the default color).

However, instead of the villagers not using the wreaths on their houses, as some people have said it was happening to them, all three villagers decorated their doors with the wreaths I gave to them, but strangely, all the wreaths are blue, ignoring any customization I've made to them before giving them to the villagers.

Is it normal? I haven't given wreaths to villagers before, but to me, it's strange that they would ignore customizations and would simply revert to it's default color.
i've given them customized doorplates (the timber and bone ones) before, and the customization has always carried over to when they hung them up. i never customized the wreaths i gave them though, so i can't say for sure whether it's always been this way. you'd think if doorplates can be customized and be fine, wreaths can too, though. maybe it's tied to the "not displaying wreaths" glitch?
That's strange.

I've gifted my villagers ornament wreaths and they've all properly retained the customizations. I did have trouble getting them to hang them up though. Usually it took a few days of gifting, I actually don't think any of them hung them on the first try. I don't remember having that issue with wreaths in the past.
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That's really weird! I gifted Marina a customized pink one and it stayed pink. I also didn't have any issues with her hanging it up on her door.
I have given 3 wreaths and they all stayed the correct color. I did have to repeat the gift to two of my villagers because they never hung the first wreath. I gave up after that, too much trouble!
That's really weird! I gifted Marina a customized pink one and it stayed pink. I also didn't have any issues with her hanging it up on her door.
I restarted the game and went to look at Marina's door, and now the wreath is pink. At first I thought I had forgotten to customize it, but nope.

It's probably part of the glitch people have been talking about.