Overdue introduction


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2016
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Red Tulip
White Tulip
White Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
April Birthstone (Diamond)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
Hello, i haven't posted here yet so i guess i should!
i played the old ds version (can't remember the name) and played a little bit of the gamecube version but when i got it the game was already "beaten" so to speak so it didn't really count.
My name is melissajane, for whatever reason everyone thinks my username is related to drugs but i promise its not lol. I'm 20 years old and i have crohns disease which kinda limits me from having a real job right now, so most of the time when i'm sick i come on here and trade.
My favourite thing is hybrids and the weeding day items, i'm ALWAYS looking for those so chances are if there's a hybrid thread you'll see my name haha.
Feel free to vm me if you're ever looking for things, i really enjoy helping people if i can :)
A drug username? Haven't heard that one before. i hope it doesn't influence the children
Anyways, have a nice time here. There's a ton of friendly people around here unlike 4chan to play with, so you shouldn't worry a bit.
A drug username? Haven't heard that one before. i hope it doesn't influence the children
Anyways, have a nice time here. There's a ton of friendly people around here unlike 4chan to play with, so you shouldn't worry a bit.

She just said it's not related to drugs in her description. :confused:

MellyJan3 - I'm so sorry to hear that you have Crohn's disease. :( I actually thought that I might have had it earlier this year. But it turns out it was something else.

And welcome to TBT!! ^^ It's nice here.
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Hello, i haven't posted here yet so i guess i should!
i played the old ds version (can't remember the name) and played a little bit of the gamecube version but when i got it the game was already "beaten" so to speak so it didn't really count.
My name is melissajane, for whatever reason everyone thinks my username is related to drugs but i promise its not lol. I'm 20 years old and i have crohns disease which kinda limits me from having a real job right now, so most of the time when i'm sick i come on here and trade.
My favourite thing is hybrids and the weeding day items, i'm ALWAYS looking for those so chances are if there's a hybrid thread you'll see my name haha.
Feel free to vm me if you're ever looking for things, i really enjoy helping people if i can :)

I actually mistakenly read your username as MelonJam and thought it was based off of that. Haha, i'm so sorry. Anyway, welcome to the forums Melissa and I hope it remains pleasant for you here. :)