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Overwatch General Thread

Competitive was just too painful to do. I'll list my biggest problems with it one more time.

- Message for leaving without penalty unclear. Only when you stay until after the warning does it tell you that you will receive a loss.
- Your reward for winning is much smaller if the entire other team decides to quit.
- If your own team leaves and you stay you will still be punished with a loss whether you decide to play it through or leave.
- Matches are way too long and also leave room for the risk of a teammate being disconnected or leaving.
- There were bundles of glitches at the beginning of competitive that caused people to not be rewarded in full for their efforts.
- Playing supports did not earn you as big of a reward as your team.

There will need to be some MAJOR changes if I'm ever going to consider playing competitive again. It was not fun in the slightest. The penalty message itself cost me 3 or 4 losses in my 10 qualifying games because of how unclear it was. Needless to say, I might have lost those matches because teammates left who were also tricked by that message. Gold weapons are not worth that hell.
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My win rate is 52% in quick play (336 games won, 302 lost, 642 total games played). I won 6 of my 10 placement matches but I haven't touched it since because competitive is awful lol
i never really had any problems with competitive, maybe i just got lucky like no one on my team has ever left the only problems i had was just people who sucked at the game. i just can't wait until the next season starts so my stats arent messed up and i can actually do placement matches, i'm probably gonna end up grouping with people. i should probably learn to play more heroes. the only heroes i play in comp are dva tracer winston and zarya, i don't go support usually cause i don't trust my team mates and the person im grouped with usually goes support. competitive gives me so much anxiety though, i'm gonna play more and hopefully i can get to 60 before it ends
I'll probably be one of the only people who won't touch competitive, I play mainly for fun instead of striving to win, of course I won't mess around in quick play and I'll still aim to win, but unlike most people I've seen on the game, I won't gloat about it.

However if the POTG is by a reaper pressing the Q key, I will be very disappointed.
So if anyone saw season 1 is ending and the end of the season rewards were announced

I don't really care about the golden guns, seems kinda pointless and is barely noticeable on some characters, I really do hope they'll fix competitive next season though, coinflip is the worst
So if anyone saw season 1 is ending and the end of the season rewards were announced

I don't really care about the golden guns, seems kinda pointless and is barely noticeable on some characters, I really do hope they'll fix competitive next season though, coinflip is the worst
Golden guns are kinda lame but the animated sprays seem pretty neat.

Definitely not planning to mess with comp much outside of placement matches, the climb was frustrating and spending like 8 out of 10 of those matches learning to play Mercy was a pain. I do hope the changes that come about in S2 are decent, not sure I like the removal of Sudden Deaths.
So we're just going to completely ignore the new map okay
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The new map looks really cool! The music sure made me hyped for it. I like how the payload is actually ramming the castle door. it's also a hybrid style map which is my favorite type of game mode. Also was there any Sombra hints in the video?
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He did nothing wrong
his ult buff was fine, hell maybe even increase ult charge time

but his mobility changes only punishes GOOD players. animation canceling, etc was a thing good genjis did. nerfing that and taking away his mobility hurts him. hes the new mccree

in 3 months he will be ok i guess if they fix him like mccree lol

im happy for the mercy buff though, i really love mercy. hanzos buff is ok but now everyone spams arrows as him hoping for a headshot lmao

They didn't buff his ult they nerfed it. It was 8 seconds now it's 6.

I'm so pissed about the animation cancelling being taken away though like pls blizzard change your mind
his ult nerf was fine, hell maybe even increase ult charge time

but his mobility changes only punishes GOOD players. animation canceling, etc was a thing good genjis did. nerfing that and taking away his mobility hurts him. hes the new mccree

in 3 months he will be ok i guess if they fix him like mccree lol

im happy for the mercy buff though, i really love mercy. hanzos buff is ok but now everyone spams arrows as him hoping for a headshot lmao

I agree with pretty much everything you said. It's like they wanted to take away any fun from Genji. "Make it so he can only hold left click like every other hero with the mobility of every hero. That'll do it"

I'm pretty sure the combination of every weaboo player like myself will make Blizzard revert it but it's still a scary time for Genjis across the universe. Ayy, Hanzo in the meantime though! Shimadabros4lyfe
Lmao nvll now you know why I got pissed about the widowmaker nerf
