Panda Paints! 🐼🌷 AC reps & villagers, human/animal OCs, IRL pets, chibi/realism || 4 styles available || 0/2 slots closed


💜 wooly wonderful 💗
Sep 1, 2016
Purple Hybrid Rose
Black Sheep Plush
Purple Crescent Moon
Galaxy Swirl
Pink Crescent Moon
Purple Star Fragment
Special Snowflake
Pink Star Fragment
Sheep Plush
Pink Hybrid Rose
100% (3293) +

Hi people! Welcome to my art shop, where I will draw profile pics or just art in general of humans/villagers/animals/OCs/IRL pets, etc.
I can draw any of the 300+ villagers or if you have an OC villager, IRL pet or an OC in general, or just something else, I can do that, too. However, for human/animal OCs, OC villagers and IRL pets, please be ready to provide a reference!

🐼 You can use the art here on the Bell Tree forum or anywhere else. All I ask is that you please credit me 🐼

~ I am now offering to draw humans! ~
~ I can draw almost anything, so if you have something entirely different in mind, just ask! ~
~ I am accepting master ball collectibles, free art whenever you want! ~

~ payment for any order is due upfront ~



bestfriendsally - OC villager Lila AC spring transparent style
jadetine - Ketchup AC summer grass transparent style
Yanrimasart - Raymond AC spring transparent style
your local goomy - OC villager Spice PMD style pink border
King koopa - Fang PMD style blue border
CylieDanny - Sasha AC spring transparent style
Liz! - Holden AC spring transparent style
EchoNyx - pet cat Figaro AC summer grass transparent style
Franny - pet cat Mayday AC spring transparent style
Liz! - pet dog German Shepherd AC summer grass transparent style
kiwikenobi - OC villager François AC fall transparent style
kiwikenobi - OC villager Sacore AC summer sand transparent style
kiwikenobi - OC villager Serena AC spring transparent style
bestfriendsally - Fakemon Senscent AC spring transparent style
Venn - pet doggos AC summer grass transparent style
kiwikenobi - OC villager Cumulus AC custom platform clouds transparent style
CylieDanny - Marshal AC fall transparent style
kiwikenobi - Wolf Link semi realism/au naturel style
CylieDanny - OC black bunny Satoshi PMD style blue border
CylieDanny - OC white bunny Aiko PMD style blue border
CylieDanny - OC brawler bunny Maizuri PMD style blue border
kiwikenobi - OC villager Hero AC summer grass transparent style
Believe_In_Kittens - pet cat PMD style blue border
King koopa - OC Miko AC spring transparent style
bestfriendsally - SoS pet cat Eri AC spring transparent style
CylieDanny - OC carefree bunny Haru PMD style blue border
deana - Peewee AC spring transparent style
Dunquixote - pet cat Mel AC fall transparent style
bestfriendsally - OC villager Buttermilk AC spring transparent style
xSuperMario64x - OC Toucat semi realism/au naturel style
Mr_Keroppi - Bunnie PMD style green border
Anonymous - OC doggo AC fall transparent style
kiwikenobi - OC Toons Hyjinks and Sue custom no platform, no season
peachsaucekitty - pet cat AC spring transparent style
Amilee - Fakemon Fairy Scorbunny AC spring transparent style
Mutti - Coco AC spring transparent style
King koopa - OC Miko semi realism/au naturel style
Sophie23 - Ellie AC spring transparent style
allainah - pet cats semi realism/au naturel style
A r i a n e - Tutu AC winter transparent style
Mairmalade - pet dog Corgi AC summer sand transparent style
kiwikenobi - OC Randall Urtica AC winter transparent style
allainah - Teddy AC summer grass transparent style
Croconaw - pet dog Labrador Keagan AC summer sand transparent style
kiwikenobi - OC kenku Wineglass AC fall transparent style
kiwikenobi - Doc Ock simple chibi style
kiwikenobi - Pierce Mustelidae OC simple chibi style
Mutti - Orangutan signature simple chibi style
Gene. - OC simple chibi style
Anonymous - OC trio simple chibi style
kiwikenobi - OC Sev simple chibi style
Yanrima~ - OC Yanrima simple chibi style
Sophie23 - Ash Hat Pikachu AC spring transparent style
Milleram - OC demon simple chibi style
kiwikenobi - Jericho and Zann OC simple chibi style
Corrie - Terriermon AC summer grass transparent style
kiwikenobi - OC Jericho simple chibi style
kiwikenobi - Doctor Octopussy custom no platform, no season
Corrie - Eevee custom no platform, no background
Bekaa - OC Dinkum simple chibi style
bestfriendsally - OC Tamami simple chibi style
bestfriendsally - Hina and friends signature
Pearls - OC PMD style green border & blue border
bestfriendsally - OC pokésona Mew PMD style pink border
bestfriendsally - OC pokésona Mew simple chibi style
Mimi Cheems - OC Mimi PMD style pink border
Sophie23 - Tia AC spring transparent style
Corrie - OC Teruka simple chibi style
bestfriendsally - OC pikachu-sona PMD style pink border
Sophie23 - custom profile pic
CylieDanny - Toby and Sasha semi realism/au naturel style
kiwikenobi - OC Fenno AC spring transparent style
kiwikenobi - OC Fenno and June simple chibi style
kiwikenobi - OC Natali simple chibi style
Yanrima~ - artist sona simple chibi style
xSuperMario64x - Ruby the shiny Absol PMD style blue border
kiwikenobi - Captain Solomon and Officer Swift no platform, no background
bestfriendsally - pika-sona Halloween custom background
Yanrima~ artist sona simple chibi style
bestfriendsally - pika-sona Christmas custom background
bestfriendsally - pika-sona Lot and Carrie custom background
Yanrima~ artist sona red hair, red dress simple chibi style
Corrie - OC brother and sister simple chibi style
Corrie - OC brother and sister simple chibi style
King koopa - OC Kourage simple chibi style
Doo - Drift PMD style green border
TN4U - Lopez simple chibi style
bestfriendsally - human and pika-sona custom background
TN4U - Bruce simple chibi style
Corrie - OC PMD style pink border
Corrie - OC brother PMD style blue border
BobRocks20 - OC Bob PMD style pink border + custom wallpaper redraw
ZeldaCrossing64 - OC Char simple chibi style
BobRocks20 - Kiki simple chibi style
Corrie - Winged Black Cat AC spring transparent style
bestfriendsally - pika-sona Lot custom background
xSuperMario64x - Sakura PMD style pink border
Corrie - OC Talia & Carson, Talia & Charlotte simple chibi style
Alolan_Apples - Andrea simple chibi style
Suguri - Ogerpon AC spring transparent style

🌸 I'm currently offering 4 styles of profile pics 🌸

Style 1 (Bust): PMD (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon)
Style 2 (Full Body): AC (Animal Crossing) transparent seasonal platforms
Style 3 (Complex Full Body/Background): Semi realism/Au naturel
Style 4 (Simple Chibi Humans and/or Animals): no platform/background

Here's an example of a profile pic in each style

PMD Blue Border Rod sample.png

PMD style utilizes a similar background (text box) found in the classic Pokémon Mystery Dungeon GBA/DS games.


AC transparent style utilizes 5 different seasonal backgrounds with a villager/platform of your choice. As the name implies, this kind of art will appear transparent.

Mint and Ruby's Garden.jpg

Semi realism/Au naturel utilizes more complex tools to draw realistic-looking villagers/animals/pets, a solid background featuring more natural settings and detailed watercolors. In this style, clothing/accessories are NOT available, thus being "au naturel"

Chibi OC for Gene.png

Simple Chibi is as simple as can be. In this style, platforms/backgrounds are NOT available, except transparent upon request. I can also do animals, villagers and pets in this style. I can do simple machinery, clothing/accessories, food, handhelds, etc.

💙💚 For PMD style, here are the 4 border colors you can select 💗💛

PMD Blue Border.png
PMD Green Border.png
PMD Pink Border.png
PMD Yellow Border.png


Order form (PMD style) price: 200 TBT

Border color:
AC Rep/Villager/OC:

  • Expression can be things like if you want the villager to be laughing, frowning, etc.
  • If you want me to draw whatever comes to mind just put "Surprise me!" as the expression.
  • Reference can be things like if you want a specific pose/clothing/accessories on the villager.
  • If you want me to draw whatever comes to mind just put "Go with the flow" as the reference.

🌷🌻 For AC transparent style, here are the 5 seasonal backgrounds you can select 🍁⛄
NEW spring platform.png
NEW summer grass platform.png
NEW summer sand platform.png
NEW fall platform.png
NEW winter platform.png


Order form (AC transparent style) price: 300 TBT/400 TBT (price may vary)

AC Rep/Villager/OC:
  • Expression can be things like if you want the villager to be laughing, frowning, etc.
  • If you want me to draw whatever comes to mind just put "Surprise me!" as the expression.
  • Reference can be things like if you want a specific pose/clothing/accessories on the villager.
  • If you want me to draw whatever comes to mind just put "Go with the flow" as the reference.
  • For extras, this is if you want to include things like fruits, flowers, toys, etc.
  • If you want a lot of extras added, the price may reach maximum of 400 TBT. Additional details are 10 TBT each, such as any modifications to the base platform, the inclusion of fruits, flowers, toys, etc. so final price may vary.
  • If you don't want any extras you may leave the option blank, in which case the price will be 300 TBT.

🦋🐰 For Semi realism/Au naturel style, backgrounds will vary greatly with every profile pic 🐹🐞

Order form (Semi realism/Au naturel style) price: 600 TBT one character/800 TBT two characters

  • Background can be things like if you want a garden setting, forest setting, mushrooms, pond, tree tops, etc.
  • Expression can be things like if you want the villager to be posing naturally, cutely, sleeping, etc.
  • If you want me to draw whatever comes to mind just put "Surprise me!" as the expression.
  • Reference is limited to IRL pets only but if you would like to provide a villager reference that's perfectly fine as well.
  • Keep in mind that with this style, animals will not be wearing clothing/accessories. They will be as "au naturel" as possible.
  • The price is 600 TBT for one character and 800 TBT for two characters within the same drawing.

😊 For Simple Chibi style, platforms/backgrounds are not available, but upon request I can do a transparent background 😊

Order form (Simple Chibi style) price: 400 TBT one character/600 TBT two characters

AC Rep/Villager/OC:
  • Background can be either white (blank) or transparent.
  • Expression can be things like if you want the villager to be laughing, frowning, etc.
  • If you want me to draw whatever comes to mind just put "Surprise me!" as the expression.
  • Reference can be things like if you want a specific pose/clothing/accessories on the villager.
  • If you want me to draw whatever comes to mind just put "Go with the flow" as the reference.
  • The price is 400 TBT for one character and 600 TBT for two characters together in one drawing.

💖 I can't wait to paint for you! 💖
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It looks like there are no slots open right now (0/2) so ping me when you are available! In the meantime, I’ll struggle to decide how I want to see Ketchup… 😂
It looks like there are no slots open right now (0/2) so ping me when you are available! In the meantime, I’ll struggle to decide how I want to see Ketchup… 😂
Slots are actually available now! Sorry for the confusion, I'm still learning haha 😅

Can't wait to paint Ketchup! 💖 Take your time deciding on a style ☺
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Thank you for commissioning me! I'll get started as soon as payment has been sent, received and confirmed.

okay ^^ i'll send it now :>

edit at 12:54 pm: sent it ^.^

*have you seen the new pm, though? just asking :> it's alright if you've been busy with stuff, though or you haven't been up to it :>*
okay ^^ i'll send it now :>

edit at 12:54 pm: sent it ^.^

*have you seen the new pm, though? just asking :> it's alright if you've been busy with stuff, though or you haven't been up to it :>*
Thanks! When your new profile pic is ready I'll let you know here :)

My PM inbox is currently closed, sorry about that!
AC transparent style
Season: Spring or Summer
Villager(s): Ketchup
Expression: Surprise Me!
Extras: She can be wearing any color, but I was thinking a rain coat and floppy rain hat would be cute. For the extra, could you throw in a puddle and a couple diagonal lines representing rain? If not, no worries. If you want to remove the Sakura or shells, that's fine. Sorry if this is too divergent from the basics lol! You can just ignore the extras if you want.
Payment: 300 tbt (base 250 + any extras + tip)
AC transparent style
Season: Spring or Summer
Villager(s): Ketchup
Expression: Surprise Me!
Extras: She can be wearing any color, but I was thinking a rain coat and floppy rain hat would be cute. For the extra, could you throw in a puddle and a couple diagonal lines representing rain? If not, no worries. If you want to remove the Sakura or shells, that's fine. Sorry if this is too divergent from the basics lol! You can just ignore the extras if you want.
Payment: 300 tbt (base 250 + any extras + tip)
Can do! This should be fun! ☺️💞 Will get started once payment has been received and confirmed~ tysm for the tip btw you totally don't have to but it's really appreciated! 💖💖💖
Here's my order! ☺
Season: Spring
Villager(s): Raymond
Expression: Surprise me!

Extras: the pink flower would be replaced with the blue rose
Payment: 320 tbt
@jadetine commission complete! Ketchup is happily splashing in the rain. My art program gave me difficulties with diagonal lines as part of the layer, so I made rain droplets instead since those worked just fine. Apologies 😓 if you'd like any changes please let me know! Nevertheless thank you for the fun challenge!
Platform Summer Ketchup rain puddle jadetine_ccexpress.png

@Yanrimasart thank you for ordering! Once 320 TBT payment has been received and confirmed I will begin your profile pic~

@your local goomy slot now open!​
@jadetine commission complete! Ketchup is happily splashing in the rain. My art program gave me difficulties with diagonal lines as part of the layer, so I made rain droplets instead since those worked just fine. Apologies 😓 if you'd like any changes please let me know! Nevertheless thank you for the fun challenge!
View attachment 428410

@Yanrimasart thank you for ordering! Once 320 TBT payment has been received and confirmed I will begin your profile pic~

@your local goomy slot now open!​
Omg this is perfect!!! I was trying to make it easy on you lol, not harder; you are so awesome!!
Omg this is perfect!!! I was trying to make it easy on you lol, not harder; you are so awesome!!
I'm so glad you like it! 💖💖💖 I was worried it wasn't good enough 😅 but I tested it out and should work like a charm!

Thanks again for being one of my very first clients!