Selling Pave Items; Looking for Pave Floor


Senior Member
Nov 8, 2013
100% (25) +
I have the following Pave items to sell/trade:

-Pave Table x 2
-Pave Clock
-Pave Bureau x 2
-Pave Chest x 2
-Pave Bed x 4
-Pave Wall

I need the Pave Floor to finish the set and would love to acquire one via trade! Feel free to make me an offer for my items. I am going running for an hour but should be back around 12:30 EST and will be checking this thread throughout the day.

Thanks so much!
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When you come back I have a floor I can trade you. :) Since I'm still running around collecting I'll let you know what I'll trade for when you get back :D
no longer need the items I was going to buy.
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Hi Andel,

I'd love to trade with you! Let me know which items you'd like - you can have as many as needed for the floor. Thank you :) I'm back/free to trade now.
I actually got the all, so you can have the floor for free :3 your town or mine?
Aww thank you! I played a couple hours and couldn't get the last item - I really appreciate the assist. Either town works! Which do you prefer?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Just added you!

- - - Post Merge - - -

My town would work well if you don't mind coming - I am gonna open my gates just in case. I am trying to get the train station upgrade and each visit counts.
Sure. coming now since this other person isnt showing up..
Looks like I added your friend code okay; I just closed my gates and re-opened them for you. I'm Mike in Brooklyn.