Looking For PENGUINS (: (closed for now)


Mayor of Everdusk
Jul 27, 2015
Yellow Violet
White Violet
Purple Violet
Tasty Cake
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
100% (4) +
(Closed for now until I have another space available!)

Hello! So I’m working on having an all penguin town.
I’m hoping to get all my dream penguins somewhat soon so I can start to work on my landscaping and PWPs.

Penguins I’m looking for: (*’s = more priority)

• Hopper***
• Aurora** - in progress
• Sprinkle** - obtained
• Tex* - possible in progress
• Flo*
• Boomer
• Cube
• Roald
• Gwen
• Friga

I’m really new to villager swapping and stuff.
I can offer bells or trade villagers if anyone is moving out.
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I have Aurora and Sprinkle as amiibo cards. I can scan them into my second town and put them into boxes for you, for 20 tbt bells each. Let me know if you are interested.
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I would love Amiibos (because I can move them in right away and they don?t move out right?)
Just a little heads up. Villagers who are invited through amiibo tend to stay - quite very few chance for them to move out naturally, but that's only when you scan them in yourself. This doesn't apply to the villagers which other players scan in and let you adopt.

Btw, I have Sprinkle. I'd be more than happy to give her to you when she pings. Just she's not original. Her house is somewhat filled with Kiki Lala / Egg stuff and she's now wearing the QR jacket which is making a cult in my town this moment. (-_-; So if you'd rather have villagers who's in their original state, feel free to go for it!
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Ahh thanks so much for the heads up!! I’m 100% new to amiibos.
I’m looking into getting a couple amiibo cards myself, but looking on Amazon it would be $80 for all the penguins I want LOL

Figured I’d start this way and end buying a couple cards later
Ah. If you're going to get them through amiibo cards that you buy yourself, I should add this info. Even if they come through amiibo, when majority of them moved in that way, they start to ping, like villagers who came through normal in-game play. I forgot the exact number, but I think it was 8. When more than 8 of them are from amiibo scanning, that is.

Also, I just remember I have Wade's card if you want to adopt him. He's free to a loving home<3
I will have to make more space in my town before I get more penguins ouo
Appreciate it though I’ll hit ya up when I get a free space!!
I understand that this is closed but I have Hopper and I can sell him for 20 TBT.