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People who have had blood drawn... Help.


Senior Member
Jul 26, 2019
Sautéed Mushrooms
Orange (Fruit)
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I am having blood drawn tomorrow, and I am scared. I hate needles. What is it like? How long does it take?
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It's not that bad, I used to be scared when i was little. I recommend looking away and try thinking it's not going to hurt which always help me. It never really hurts as bad as you fear it does.
Have you never had blood drawn before? It usually doesn't take that long if you have a good nurse and your veins are easy to find. Like a minute or two at most. If you ever had a vaccine (except for tetanus) or flu shot, that's about the level of pain and it goes away in like 5 minutes or less. Just turn your head and stare at the wall and try to focus on something else. Count in binary or something
It doesn’t really hurt. I recommend not watching it happen. The nurse will tell you when it’s happening so you can brace yourself and take a breath. It feels like a very brief but uncomfortable pinch. You will be okay. It’s alright to be nervous about it 💜
How long it takes depends on how much they need, but usually it'll only be a couple minutes (unless you're donating blood, then it'll usually take a little longer). You'll feel a quick pinch at first but you won't feel much when the blood is being drawn. The thought of it always makes me feel pretty woozy, but in my experience they'll usually ask you how you feel about getting blood drawn and will offer to let you lay down if that'd help at all. Just look away while it's happening and it'll be over before you know it. Make sure you drink lots of water beforehand and I'd recommend bringing a snack for after you're done too. Good luck :)
Hello, yes, I have many years of blood draw experience. I’ve been getting them done frequently since I was 9, so almost 16 years now. I actually enjoy it.
Ask for a butterfly needle. You don’t feel it at all. Stay hydrated so your blood flows easily and quickly. Depending on how many tubes they take, it could take ten seconds to a minute. Sometimes they ask if you want a countdown but it’s better to have them just poke you unexpectedly. You probably won’t even notice it. Look away. Sometimes the phlebotomist will start a conversation with you. It’s over in no time.
Do you have a problem with fainting? I used to get that sometimes. You can ask to get your blood drawn lying down. They are more than willing to get you a snack and juice if you’re dizzy. They don’t want you to faint just as much as you don’t want to. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to ask.
Also don’t hold your breath or cross your legs.
It sorta hurts but hardly. And it depends if the nurse knows how to properly to place the needle in the arm. If they do it wrong then it will be sore badly and it can be harder to move your arm because it hurts. But don't worry it's not bad.
It's been awhile since I had blood drawn, but it's a quick process usually! They always asked my dominant arm/hand, and didn't have trouble finding my vein. The prick stings for maybe a couple seconds, but afterwards you don't feel a thing! It helps to keep your arm still afterwards to prevent anything from moving :') it definitely helps if your nurse distracts you by having you look away and talk to you during the process!
I completely get this because I also hate needles!! (which is highly ironic as I've got 20+ tattoos haha) I find it helps to make sure you eat/drink something beforehand (I've also nearly smashed my head open on concrete after passing out after an injection before) and maybe practice some calming breathing exercises. you don't need to watch when they're putting the needle in and I usually prefer not to, you don't really feel anything once the needle is in so you mostly just need to get yourself through the initial couple of seconds which isn't honestly so bad :)
It’s not bad at all. You can’t really feel it after the needle goes in. Just don’t look at it, and you’ll be fine.
I've had blood drawn for lab work (tried to donate blood but they couldn't find my pulse or a vein so... yeah). It stings a bit, maybe like a cat bite or cat scratch before you cut their nails. I like watching (it's cathartic for me) but if you're afraid of needles, I don't recommend looking.

Take deep breaths. Breathe in for 5, hold it for 2, breathe out for 5. < - Actually, as @Mariah says below, please just breathe normally!

You'll get through it. And reward yourself after with your favorite candy and a big drink of water.
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I've had blood drawn for lab work (tried to donate blood but they couldn't find my pulse or a vein so... yeah). It stings a bit, maybe like a cat bite or cat scratch before you cut their nails. I like watching (it's cathartic for me) but if you're afraid of needles, I don't recommend looking.

Take deep breaths. Breathe in for 5, hold it for 2, breathe out for 5. You'll get through it. And reward yourself after with your favorite candy and a big drink of water.
Don't hold your breath while your blood is being drawn. Some people hold their breathin anticipation of the insertion of the needle, which doesn't help at all if you're feeling faint. Keep breathing at your normal rate and depth, and you'll be far less likely to feel lightheaded during a blood draw.
Don't hold your breath while your blood is being drawn. Some people hold their breathin anticipation of the insertion of the needle, which doesn't help at all if you're feeling faint. Keep breathing at your normal rate and depth, and you'll be far less likely to feel lightheaded during a blood draw.
Oh, TIL! Thanks for the insight. I'll edit my response since it might be dangerous to do that.
As someone else who hates needles, I can tell you the worry is worse than the procedure.

Tell the person that you're nervous. No one likes it, so they're really good at talking you through it.

It will be over sooner than you think and you'll be on your way with a band aid on your arm. Good luck!
Hey! I’ve actually donated my blood a couple of weeks ago which is sort of similar to having blood drawn but a lot more. Like others have said, the worry is a lot worse than the actual procedure. I don’t like needles but you could look away and it feels like a small pinch. Other than that, you’ll feel fine in a couple of minutes.

I know that you probably had your blood taken already, but I just wanted to say good job on getting your blood drawn! 😊
Just drink lots of water beforehand. It doesn't hurt much at all and it'll be over in less than 5 minutes.
I get my blood drawn every 6 months. It’s only bad if they can’t find your vein because then they have to stick you more than once. If you have good veins then it will be easy. The time it takes will depend on how much blood they need which will depend on how many tests your doctor ordered. I had 12 tubes of blood taken at once and that took forever, but I doubt you’ll need that many. Good luck and try not to worry about it too much. I’m sure you’ll be fine!
Update: I did it! I had a panic attack and nearly threw up, but the people were so nice to me. They managed to calm me down enough and even used the smallest needle they had.

The whole thing took a few minutes. Honestly, it‘s all a blur. I think I almost passed out when I was shown the tube of my blood and asked if my name was correct on its label😅
It was fine but that's subjective because I'm not really scared of needles and I'm pretty high in pain tolerances. I think the best this is to not watch the needle when it's inserted and breathing helps a lot. You'll feel a bit of a pinch like any needle but once that's done it's fine. The process is pretty quick since you're just getting blood drawn compared to donating blood so just try to remember it'll be only a moment.

If you have a family member with you or friend, they can help distract you/keep you in conversation while they do their thing.
Update: I did it! I had a panic attack and nearly threw up, but the people were so nice to me. They managed to calm me down enough and even used the smallest needle they had.

The whole thing took a few minutes. Honestly, it‘s all a blur. I think I almost passed out when I was shown the tube of my blood and asked if my name was correct on its label😅
Well you survived and now you know for next time it’s not a big deal.