Reading through that thread on Snooties in AC Gamecube, it's rather clear that booth the Snooty and Grumpy villagers have been watered down and made more bland. But another change that I've noticed going along is the behavior of the Peppy villagers. Whereas they once started seemingly as hyperactive goofballs with dreams of being famous, but for the most part not letting it get too far to their head, now by New Leaf it seems their "superstar" aspect of them has been flanderized to the point where their peppiness has been replaced with narcissistic jerkassish behavior. For me at least, it appears the hyperactive aspect of them is more or less a background trait, with their predominant feature now being egocentricity bordering on delusions of grandeur.
Have they always been like that, or is it indeed just a recent thing? Because while I do recall Peppy villagers talking about seeing themselves in stardom and getting autographs in earlier games, they didn't obsess over it to the degree they do now.
Have they always been like that, or is it indeed just a recent thing? Because while I do recall Peppy villagers talking about seeing themselves in stardom and getting autographs in earlier games, they didn't obsess over it to the degree they do now.