Petiton to End All Ask Me Threads

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Captain Crazy Chicken

The bad guys are pirates?
Dec 14, 2014
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I HATE ask me threads, and it makes me sicker with every new one that shows up. I'm gonna send a message to a bunch of you guys to send a message to your friends, and so on. It reads:

"Listen up, 'cause I'll only tell you once: I hate Ask Me threads! Forward this message to your friends to spread the word."

So yeah, if you recieve a message like this and you started an Ask Me thread, then you have to lock the thread.
Can you not VM random people? It's annoying, and just because a few don't like them, it doesn't mean the people who have them should lock it. We can make whatever threads we want as long as they are within the rules.
i have an ask thread but no one usually likes to ask me stuff so I will lock mine for you :)
i have an ask thread but no one usually likes to ask me stuff so I will lock mine for you :)

Don't lock it just because one person hates them! It's your thread, and this your choice what to do with it
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