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"Phil in the City" Chapter 2, Part 1


Senior Member
Oct 12, 2008
Sautéed Mushrooms

I'ts been a month since I've moved here, and I believe I've found my place. I have a nice medium sized house near the beach which has a great view from the second floor. My neighbors and I are all great friends. I've actually already made a best friend! His name's Kabuki, he's--..a cat. Hehe. This whole month I've been raising money doing chores for all the villagers. I believe I've been doing well. It may sound goofy, but I have half of the 'Spooky' set already. Soon I will have the whole set and get a decent HRA score. (Like I care what they think.) I haven't even GONE to the city yet. But...today's the day. I'm gonna take a trip to the city!

Me: Hey Kabuki!

Kabuki: Oh, hey Phil!

Me: Heh, guess what!

Kabuki: Hmm...gimme a hint.

Me: It's that day...

Kabuki: OH! You're finally going to the city! Awesome!

Me: Yup!

Kabuki: It's really awesome, Phil. You should catch the bus now. Have fun.

Me: Thanks, I will.

I ran to the bus stop, in anticipation. I picked up the phone and called the bus to stop here at--oh. I forgot to tell you guys! I'm sorry. On the second week that I was here, the mayor had found out about some law that restricts misspelled names or just ******** names on towns. Therefore, we renamed the town by popular vote to Pinehut. We all thought it was a nice name that sounded nice and welcoming. Anyways, back to the story.

Me: Ok, I've got my bells, approximately 50,000 from my bank account...I'm ready to go.


The bus arrived. I looked out the window at the majestic tall buildings that were there. Oh boy, it looked amazing. And to think, I lived 5 minutes from here. I thought it was further which is why I thought this was a special event. Oh well, I had bells to burn.

As I got off the bus, I looked around at all the buildings, but not doing anything weird with my face, I don't want folks to think I'm a ******...I headed towards the store that caught my eye -- Shampoodle. Sounded classy...

I went casually inside and saw someone. She's a poodle! (Ah, Shampoodle, Poodle, got it. Catchy.)

Harriet: Oh, hello! A fresh face, I see. My name's Harriet, I'm the hair stylist.

(...ah. Shampoo-dle.)

Me: Oh, hi! My name's Phil...

She looked in my eyes like I had something on my face.

Harriet: Ah-ha! It's your first time in the city.

Me: Uh..yeah!

Harriet: I've seen that expression plenty times before. Welcome. Oh, please, sit!

She pointed towards the chair with a contraption that had the shape of the top half of an egg.

Me: Ok, sure.

Harriet: I want to ask you a few questions.

Me: Ok!

Harriet: In one word, describe your personality.

Me: Hmm...I guess it'd have to be sort of mysterious.

Harriet: Ok! Good. Now tell me, sugar, when do you want your style to REALLY come alive?

Me: Well, I guess I'd like to see it when I go to a party, like big nights.

Harriet: Heh, I'll bet you're just the toast of every party, aren't you?

Me: Unfortunately, I don't want to be.

Harriet: Ok, well, will you tell me a bit about your primping routine?

Me: Im..a little embarrassed.

Harriet: Warm, or cool?

That's a weird question...might as well give a straight answer.

Me: Warm.

Harriet: Perfect! Now just sit back and close your eyes.

She looked at the back of the chair and pushed a button that were next to many. The egg contraption came down slowly...as instructed, I sat back, and closed my eyes. I'm so glad I did, because all of a sudden...
This thing spanned on for about a second.

And it stopped. Am I dead? Oh, god I think I am. It's dark, I see the light...and the egg contraption lifts off from my head. My head feels...different.

Harriet: Hee-hee! Look at the mirror!

I looked into the mirror and saw my hair...IT WAS AWESOME! It was up and spiky and cool! I guess that test/quiz was to determine what I would have liked...weird.

Me: That's amazing! I love it!

Harriet: I'm glad you do. That'll be 500 bells, please.

I walked over to her desk and handed her the bells.

Harriet: Thanks, have a nice day!

Me: Ok, I will!

I walked out of the shop adoring my new hairstyle nad headed for the next thing I saw...the building that looked like a theater ...I wonder what that is?

Gabby said:
yay the city! I liked this chapter.


HEY YOU----oh forget it.
glad to have a fan thar.

...i dunno if you read or not, but i'm having special guests in chapter 2 part 2, wanna be a special guest and/or regular on it?
(special guest: small cameo/regular: lives in town and makes lots of appearnaces often)
KingKombat said:
Gabby said:
yay the city! I liked this chapter.


HEY YOU----oh forget it.
glad to have a fan thar.

...i dunno if you read or not, but i'm having special guests in chapter 2 part 2, wanna be a special guest and/or regular on it?
(special guest: small cameo/regular: lives in town and makes lots of appearnaces often)
Can a be a regular?
Gabby said:
KingKombat said:
Gabby said:
yay the city! I liked this chapter.


HEY YOU----oh forget it.
glad to have a fan thar.

...i dunno if you read or not, but i'm having special guests in chapter 2 part 2, wanna be a special guest and/or regular on it?
(special guest: small cameo/regular: lives in town and makes lots of appearnaces often)
Can a be a regular?

I deem you a regular in "Phil in the City".
wewt, a special guest from TBT
KingKombat said:
Gabby said:
KingKombat said:
Gabby said:
yay the city! I liked this chapter.


HEY YOU----oh forget it.
glad to have a fan thar.

...i dunno if you read or not, but i'm having special guests in chapter 2 part 2, wanna be a special guest and/or regular on it?
(special guest: small cameo/regular: lives in town and makes lots of appearnaces often)
Can a be a regular?

I deem you a regular in "Phil in the City".
wewt, a special guest from TBT
When I say yay you say yay!

Gabby said:
KingKombat said:
Gabby said:
KingKombat said:
Gabby said:
yay the city! I liked this chapter.


HEY YOU----oh forget it.
glad to have a fan thar.

...i dunno if you read or not, but i'm having special guests in chapter 2 part 2, wanna be a special guest and/or regular on it?
(special guest: small cameo/regular: lives in town and makes lots of appearnaces often)
Can a be a regular?

I deem you a regular in "Phil in the City".
wewt, a special guest from TBT
When I say yay you say yay!


ok, anyone else?
i really want some cool special guest cameos in part 2.

Btw, positions filled.

Also, Are do you guys want to be regulars, or just in a cameo in Part 2?
run it by me also, can I help with it? See if there are other things you can add, kind of like your editor?