Someone posted this a while back, it has the Japanese versions but I find it a bit helpful since it includes the pictures, so they could always cross them off that way ^-^
This is awesome, thank you. I can include both the doc and DaCaSim did and the link you provided for the actual pics and put in a binder along with the cards.
Thank you both!
You can even use the actual av website they posted a catalog list and it's also printable
You can even use the actual av website they posted a catalog list and it's also printable
Justin also made a list awhile ago of all the series 1 cards.
I just noticed this list has a checklist built in, and thats pretty cool. Idk how i didnt notice before
I just noticed there are rock, paper, scissors symbols and a dice on the cards. Its possible that they can be used on the amiibo festival game too :0
It's not the most beautiful thing, but I made a 3 page checklist with pictures of the cards taken from the amiibo website.
HHD Series 1 Checklist