Picture signature


The past is obdurate
Jan 26, 2016
Jingle Christmas Doll
Kapp'n Christmas Doll
Timmy Christmas Doll
Pumpkin Cupcake
Voodoo Doll
I've seen some really lovely picture signatures with a background and then dream villager pictures in front.
How do I do that? Can I do it in my phone?
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You definitely can't use your phone and it takes a lot of work. I use a program called paint.net which has really good pixel properties myself but youll need something different for gifs. I choose a picture I find that works well for the theme of a town then I find a shape that will look good and give me enough room to work. I grabbed the pixels from a website I found a while ago which I can't link on mobile so I'll link it later. Its really all about spacing and outlining things correctly so it looks right. It takes a long time to do and its hard to do tbh @-@
Well, I use PhotoShop for things like this, so you definitely couldn't do it on your phone.
If you're unable to get PS, or any other software like that, then you could always order one, if you're interested >.<
It's quite difficult to do on your own seeing as really nice ones can take hours to complete. You'd need a program like Photoshop or GIMP to make a great one. I use a really old program but that's only because my laptop is old haha.

If you can't make one yourself, you could always order one from a signature shop. A few people have shops around here, including myself. There are all kinds of styles between the different shops so you should look around and find one you like best. :)