Buying Pink Wet Suit


Nutty but nice!
Jul 1, 2013
Red Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
White Cosmos
Tasty Cake
Famous Mushroom
Togepi Easter Egg
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
100% (76) +
Please Delete

No longer needed. Thanks.
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I'm not sure. What are you offering for striped? It's pretty rare. (I have one)
I have no idea what it's worth really! Is there anything particular you're after?
I have some duplicate fortune cookie items if anyone wants to trade a suit for them - kart, mushroom mural and Samus mask.
How many bells are you buying them for? I'm also looking for gold ore/golden items/Korean-or-European DLC/Shogi Wall/Hologram Machine
I've been offered a pink one for 200k, obviously I'd like to get it for less if I can but I know they're both a pain to get hold of.

I have 1 piece of gold ore but nothing else from your list.
Well, 200k is about the price they are going for. I gave my last pink wetsuit for 60k, but that was only because no-one really joined in on my auction. Do you mind both for 350k + gold ore?
That's a very good and tempting offer, I got another gold ore this morning too. I really want to get my house finished but I really want the wetsuits too haha.

Will let you know if I can decide!
Edited first post with the duplicate fortune cookie items I can swap for one.
I have a striped wetsuit up for auction right now. If you cant find one to trade for, it may be worth a shot. But good luck to you in any case. :)
I have a Striped Wet Suit, how many bells could you offer for it?
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I'd rather swap items for it, I'm still paying off my house so don't want to spend bells unless I have too.