pipe dreams…☆彡


cartoon buffoon
Mar 29, 2021
Cosmic Radioactive Orbiting Spectral #20
Ghostly Kitty Ice Cream Cone
Cursed Lantern
Zipper T. Balloon
Shiitake Plushroom
Anyone else have really lofty dreams that you romanticize maybe a bit too much? ^^;

Long ramble ahead:

I want to be a flight attendant, but it feels like a pretty lofty goal at the moment, pun intended. I feel more worm than human, I’d have to get a few things in human condition first, y’know?

The other big one is Moving To Japan. There are so many beautiful looking places, tasty looking food, they have bullet trains, so much amazing stuff from pop culture…my boyfriend is interested in it too, which is a step in the right direction I think ^^ But how will we move there? I dreamt of becoming an English teacher, but it I heard pays very poorly… also I will need to start learning the language. And second most importantly, I have to *visit* there, and see if I even vibe with it to begin with. I very well might leave with serious Paris Syndrome…

Every time I hear about people doing these things I get a sickening jealousy that makes my stomach churn as I yearn and yearn… Deep down I know it’s childish, but It’s hard to stop that childish wonder…especially if it motivates me to do things that can help me in everyday life if the dreams don’t come to fruition.

I appreciate anyone who reads this and/or responds to my thread. ❤️ I might delete my ramble in the future, as it’s quite embarassing >.<;
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I have dreams of being able to do art and craft for a living. I say dreams, because I’m homeschool our 5 year old, so I have little time to work on those things. The time I DO have for art, is almost solely dedicated to forum event art lol. I also would love to learn like, 7 languages, but again, time. I have dreams of living in England, France, and Sweden, all for various reasons. Yet I don’t think any of these things will happen. Moving like that is a DRASTIC change, and with a son with a physical disability, his health care and access to a Spina Bifida clinic are paramount. I also love where we live, we picked our dream house, and I never want to move from it. So, kind of makes it hard.
Traveling to other countries - especially Europe and Canada. Visiting Canada is perhaps not a pipe dream now that I live much closer to it and have a passport, we'll see. But the European countries? I can only really dream of that. The sad thing is that there was actually going to be a Wind Ensemble trip to Ireland for my university I graduated from years ago, and even though it was going to happen after I was graduated, we were invited. It didn't end up happening for whatever reason (COVID maybe?). Very sad.

Opportunities like that in the future may present me a chance, you never know?
travelling to new york city has always been like the main/only dream of mine. maybe not so much of a pipe dream anymore though? because i am planning to go next year in summer, hopefully, but that's still far away enough that it doesn't feel tangible yet and still very much like a dream, even if more in reach than it was before this year.
being a famous singer, which very much will stay as a pipe dream loool. i think i've reached a point where i'm okay with not doing that and focusing on other things, as i've gotten less passionate about it with time. would be nice, but also stage fright goes crazy when u haven't sung in front of others in so long. i'm pretty content with not achieving that, as it comes with a lot that i'm personally not fine with, so it's fine for me! <:
Vet tech but it will stay a pipe dream due to cost and the other factor of I don't know how I'd handle it with my disabilities until I actually do it, which is what makes it a risky pursuit. Id have to be in a serious pickle to try this.

Another is making video games, but after my stuff getting wiped twice and my computer breaking, I lost a lot of motivation which I hope comes back. I got so far and worked so hard, and I didn't have the opportunity of learning coding in school like many people do I was really proud of how far I did get. So it's like a half pipe dreams of mine, and who knows if the game would even be liked lol.

I have other dreams too that are more realistic to me that I hope work out with lots of time but to most people they would seem rather small. I guess they really wouldn't be pipe dreams though. Expanding and getting better at gardening for example and other similar things. But these things would increase my qol so they don't seem small to me.
I wonder what it's like to be in a band. Getting to travel and entertain people while being in a tight-knit group does sound amazing. Even if you aren't making a living off of it, it's just a cool idea to me.

I also want to do boxing. Just once. I don't want to make a living off of it. I don't want to get my brain scrambled. I've been interested in the sport since I was a child.

I'd like to train someday and do one amateur fight. If my physical health will allow it.
I rethought this question out.

I'd love to see one of the remaining Beatles members (Paul or Ringo) in concert. We were planning to see Ringo while I was in highschool but it just never came into fruition.

I'm not even a big concert person. They were just a big part of my childhood and life and it would be very special to me. Maybe one of the most special moments of my entire life.

It's a pipe dream because they are very old. Unfortunately, I don't expect I'll ever be able to make this a reality. Maybe, just maybe, if they could hold on for a few more years.
I’d love to be a voice actor but I’m pretty sure it’ll stay a pipe dream since I need some acting experience; while I’m sure there are opportunities out there, it’s far outside of my comfort zone. Right now it is difficult since I’m a shut in and still dependent on my family too. I did get a book a year or so ago on voice acting but I still haven’t gotten around to it.
My pipe dream is to move to the Netherlands. Honestly it's a huge stretch because I'm autistic, I live with a psychiatric illness and housing is very expensive there, but it looks likes like a nice place to live. Dutch has been a lot of fun to learn so far.

My other one is to travel to all 50 U.S. states and do a road trip to Prudhoe Bay Alaska to see the Arctic Ocean. This one is a little more realistic since I've already been to 16 U.S. states and those were all bigger ones. I've pretty much knocked out most of the western U.S. and a good part of the Midwest and would just have to tour all the southern and east coast states.
My pipe dream is that I want to own an RV and live out of that. I don't even have a license. At this point, I wouldn't have driven enough to justify having a vehicle and it hasn't been a priority of mine to get a license either.
My pipe dream is to move to the Netherlands. Honestly it's a huge stretch because I'm autistic, I live with a psychiatric illness and housing is very expensive there, but it looks likes like a nice place to live. Dutch has been a lot of fun to learn so far.

My other one is to travel to all 50 U.S. states and do a road trip to Prudhoe Bay Alaska to see the Arctic Ocean. This one is a little more realistic since I've already been to 16 U.S. states and those were all bigger ones. I've pretty much knocked out most of the western U.S. and a good part of the Midwest and would just have to tour all the southern and east coast states.
I used to really want to move to the Netherlands as well! Like really really really bad…I still would enjoy it but it’s not a top priority for me anymore. Amsterdam is super pretty and I wanted to live in a rainier cloudier place than where I’m from. Though I heard parts have been drier from climate change and stuff. I’m not an expert at all. Also I think healthcare is better than the US there in many many regards?

Also, no way, Prudhoe Bay mentioned! :^D I would love to go there as well, and Utqiagvik if feasible, I love very northern and southern places and would like to visit many of them ^^