Place your random thoughts.

I can’t believe how much time has passed. Back in the 2010s, “10 years ago” takes me to the days of my childhood. But now, it takes me back to something that feels kinda recent, except it’s not. Now if I want to look back into my childhood, I’ll have to say “20 years ago”. I even remember saying back in 2014 or 2015 that if I want to look further back like that, I should say “20 years ago”. But at least 10 years ago from today has a couple fond memories.

For just 2014 alone, I had a stomach surgery, started gambling at public casinos, started playing Animal Crossing online with others, written and published a guide on GameFAQs (actually two), bought a 3DS XL (now sold), created the town of StarFall (also sold), and joined this forum. In the first few years of my membership, that was only a few years ago. Now, it’s an entire decade ago.
...There are some things we are not allow to see.
But we should ask questions about why such things exist......

YouTube really needs to step up it's game when it comes to what should be on their platform. Because I can't not unsee what I just seen.😭
Bonks won't be able to save me from this.

Why! lol
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How does one eat healthy.
Full disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist or a doctor; take their advice over mine. But a good general rule of thumb is to shop the perimeter of the grocery store. That's generally where you'll find the raw base ingredients (fresh fruit, vegetables, dairy products, meat/fish), which are going to be your healthiest options to cook with. Packaged, heavily-processed, and ready-made meals are usually gonna be pretty bad for you, and way too high in added salts and sugars.

Most people don't eat enough servings of fruits and vegetables in their daily meals; the recommended amount is generally 4-5 servings of each every day. You'll also want to vary the fruits and vegetables you eat as much as you can; variety is really important for balanced nutrition.
Cutting back on sugary drinks and increasing your water intake is another good thing to do! If you're like me and don't like plain water, or just want something different to drink here and there, green tea (brewed yourself is safest; cans or bottles are likely to be sneakily sugary) or making infused water are good alternatives.

Also, most granola bars, yogurts, etc. that brand themselves as "healthy" are almost always so full of sugar that they're really just another treat/dessert in disguise. To be clear, I don't think there's anything wrong with treating yourself! In fact, I would say it's a good thing, personally. I'm an "everything in moderation" type. But I really really hate the shady way companies brand them, and want to acknowledge them for what they are. If you can find granola mixes or plain Greek yogurt without added sugars, those actually are your healthy options. Same goes for cereals, most will advertise like they're healthy or """part of a balanced breakfast""" but they're 99% sugar.

it occurs to me that this question may've been rhetorical and I'm so sorry if it was lol ;w;
@Reginald Fairfield @meri

It was half rhetorical and half a genuine thought. I realize I should probably change my diet, so I appreciate the responses c:

Ironically, this is the first time I've ever been at a healthy weight. (147 LBS). My metabolism has always made me smaller than I should be. Unless I eat absurd amounts. Yet that doesn't equate to getting proper nutrition either.

I'll probably start seriously cutting down my snack food habits.
I think it’s funny that TV Tropes has a page for Real Life and applies tropes to it like it’s a TV show or video game. But here’s some more that they could have added.

Main Tropes
  • 11th Hour Superpower: towards the end of World War II, the Allies, specially the US, gained the nuclear bombs that would end up being the main reason they won
  • Butt Monkey: Pluto was always that one planet that no one really cared about, and was even stripped of its planet status
  • The Dreaded: many past leaders can count, like Hitler or Stalin
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: the assassinators of Archduke Ferdinand not only inadvertently cause World War I, but also ended up causing World War II, the Holocaust (and by extension, the Palestinian/Israeli conflict), and 9/11
  • Demonic Spiders: while bees can get rid of some health points, they are at least helpful to the environment. The same cannot be said about hornets, who not only can deal major damage, but aren’t useful for much besides the food chain. These bugs can make an average summer night turn dangerous quickly
  • Kangaroos can also qualify. Although they look cute and only spawn in Oceania, they can actually deal massive damage
  • Goddamned Bats: mosquitoes aren’t very hard to defeat, but they can inflict status effects from bites that itch for a few days to lifelong diseases
  • Scrappy Mechanic: the only upside to being sick is not having to go to school or work, which is a That One Level for many. Besides that, it just makes life harder in almost every way. The worst part is that it can sometimes glitch and end up being either lifelong or terminal
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: humans have never gotten the chance to interact with dinosaurs. While this may be due to conflicting lifestyles, it would still be an interesting pair-up that has unfortunately never been explored
  • Most fantastic elements don’t get explored in Real Life. It would be amazing to see time travel or teleportation and how humans would use that, but that just never happened
According to my mom, the correct way to signal your direction in a roundabout is to put on your right turn signal always, even when exiting straight or to the left. News flash: that's not how you do it.

I keep telling her not to signal right or at all if she's going straight or left, as she can confuse drivers who are about to pull out. Of course, she always comes up with some logical-sounding excuse as to why she thinks she's right, and I'm forced to give up. Also, despite me being 24 with a commercial license, she also continues to critique my driving habits when she's a passenger in my car, so of course I get annoyed when I'm told not to do this, that, etc...
Characters like Ness and Lucas who in their respective games had no voice acting... I wonder how Nintendo decided what they should sound like in the Smash Bros games. Obviously like kids lol but I wonder if they tested out a bunch of voice clips until they found just the right ones that sounded "Nessy" or "Lucas-y" enough 🤔😂

In general, I wonder how developers decide what their characters should sound like.
Characters like Ness and Lucas who in their respective games had no voice acting... I wonder how Nintendo decided what they should sound like in the Smash Bros games. Obviously like kids lol but I wonder if they tested out a bunch of voice clips until they found just the right ones that sounded "Nessy" or "Lucas-y" enough 🤔😂

In general, I wonder how developers decide what their characters should sound like.
And yet, Olimar and Alph didn't have their voice lines in Super Smash Bros. despite having voice clips heard in Pikmin games. Super Smash Bros. have silly priorities on how much work they put on a character sometimes.
And yet, Olimar and Alph didn't have their voice lines in Super Smash Bros. despite having voice clips heard in Pikmin games. Super Smash Bros. have silly priorities on how much work they put on a character sometimes.
Because the Pikmin are the real fighters, the MVPs 💪🔥💧⚡🌱 who is this Olimar and Alph you speak of lol
So I got my apple-only sidebar and a forum avatar featuring apples, but I would like an apple-themed backdrop and apple reacts.
I don't recall anything apple related in the Sun and Moon games. Why are so interested in apples?
Because I find apples to be cute. And before my username was Alolan_Apples, I was Apple2012. Usually, I would put something apple-related in my username. As Alolan_Apples is a twist between Pokémon Sun/Moon and apples (which is my spirit fruit).
So Xbox and Nintendo use lettered buttons, but PlayStation just uses shapes. And also, Xbox and Nintendo have to make life harder by switching where some of the buttons are to mess with you muscle memory if you’re using both consoles. But PCs just say “screw all that” and use every letter.

Also, I saw something extremely unholy on YouTube earlier today for like the 500th time. I don’t get why YouTube finds pleasure in recommending me things from the deepest corners of Hell.