Planner - Question, Conversation


Senior Member
May 14, 2020
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Tasty Cake
I was curious; I searched the web and came across all of these cute looking island planners on Etsy. They had everything from daily checklists, turnip trackers, fish and bug guides, and really just all kinds of ideas. So It got me wondering if anyone on the forum used any planner to keep track of their island or their achievements in some journal or planner. Or if you were ever interested in doing so.

What would you look for your planner to have if you do, or have wanted to?

It started my creative streak, and I am making my own from scratch; I guess with this question, I am also gathering ideas of what I might want in my own. And for the sake of conversation.

I really think what got me started on this was that post about resetting the game this coming New Year. Why it's tempting, I am thinking more along the lines of a resolution to track my island I started in November. I tend to be a serial resetter (I have reset four times since March 20th), so I would resolve to play through for a year. Lol, and maybe consider the rest thing next year.

I've seen a couple people in the island journals have physical island planners. I can't remember names unfortunately.

I only have an island journal and I get a bit burnt out updating it since it's mixture of art and screenshots. I'm more simple than others in there in terms of page designs (I just slap my stuff in)

I haven't really followed or seen what people have done with physical island planners. I don't know if I have the attention span for one.
I can understand that. I don't know if I could keep it up, but I get creative urges once in a while though that urge me to try new things.
I share a spreadsheet in Google Sheets with my S/O.

We each keep track of tool usage, art that we have donated to the Museum, turnip prices and the previous week's price pattern, and a list of daily tasks (though we both have them memorized at this point XD). At the end of the month, I will update my sheet to list out any new fish/bugs/deep-sea creatures that we'll catch during the first weekend of the next month.

I also keep track of how many times I've helped out an Amiibo villager because there are a couple of villagers I need to transfer to my S/O (they are his dream residents) in due time. I still keep track of who and when someone asks to move out.

I used to keep track of campsite visitors diligently, but I've gotten lazy about doing so. I like using the spreadsheet because it's easy and I would deal with less of a sunk-cost fallacy for not updating certain information anymore.
Spread sheets can be fun. I am more if I don't see it every day, I won't use it type of person lol. I tried a spread sheet/ digital journal with my last island before I restarted, and kept it up for a week. That is kind of a neat way of doing it though.
I’ve seen this before for NL, and now I want to do this-
I would have a tracker for activities I did each day and things I have donated to the museum.
I think that is what got me interested in starting it in the new year. So far I am thinking along the lines of a
Section each month with a picture of my updated map/villager list
A monthly calendar with event/birthdays
A weekly checklist
A photo gallery
I have a planner that I mostly use to keep track of daily tasks. I like getting all my Nook Miles from the Nook Stop and I inevitably forget to go check in sometimes! So having a checkbox is helpful. Other things on my daily checklist include planting a money tree, finding my daily visitor, turnip prices, digging up all my fossils, finding a scallop for Pascal, shaking trees to find furniture... I don’t always do all of these things every day, but it’s a nice reminder. Also helpful for keeping track of when villagers move in and out, mostly how many days it has been since someone moved, so I can keep an eye out for villagers trying to cut loose on me! I kind of also miss how the town tree/plaza would keep track of these move ins and move outs, so I kind of like reviving that.
I also write all the new sea creatures, fish, and bugs, and seasonal DIY recipes to get at the beginning of each month to make sure I don’t miss out on anything.

I used to keep detailed track of my flowers in the early stages of the game, but I think more diligent gardeners figured out the mechanics before I did! But having some sort of empty grid is probably helpful. For me, it’s good for gardening layouts, but I’m sure other people would use it for design ideas. I’ve just never been very good at decorating!
Spread sheets can be fun. I am more if I don't see it every day, I won't use it type of person lol. I tried a spread sheet/ digital journal with my last island before I restarted, and kept it up for a week. That is kind of a neat way of doing it though.
Haha, good point! It is important to find which method/tool works for you. XD

Based on your latest response, a bullet-journal type of island planner might be something that you could look into! You could try laying out the sections in a spare lined/grid-paper notebook.
I think my general daily tasks are:
Check Mail
Nook Stop
Dig Up and Assess Fossiles
Find Money Spot
Find Money Rock
Shake Trees
Check Nooks Cranney
Check Able Sisters
Check for Special Visitor
Message in a Bottle
Talk to the Villagers
Hunting Bugs - fish - sea creatures
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Haha, good point! It is important to find which method/tool works for you. XD

Based on your latest response, a bullet-journal type of island planner might be something that you could look into! You could try laying out the sections in a spare lined/grid-paper notebook.
That is kind of what I am looking into. It would give me something creative to set up and keep going too for the new year. I can work on getting/asking for supplies now lol
I think my general daily tasks are:
Check Mail
Nook Stop
Dig Up and Assess Fossiles
Find Money Spot
Find Money Rock
Shake Trees
Check Nooks Cranney
Check Able Sisters
Check for Special Visitor
Message in a Bottle
Talk to the Villagers
Hunting Bugs - fish - sea creatures
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That is kind of what I am looking into. It would give me something creative to set up and keep going too for the new year. I can work on getting/asking for supplies now lol

Yup, that's pretty much my list too! I forgot to say that Talk to the Villagers is really helpful because I'm trying to collect all my villagers' photos. While I still had a lot of photos to collect, it was helpful to make sure I talked to everyone. Now it's just a few villagers I need to make sure I talk to everyday. But it's also fun because every time I get one I mark it off with some colored pens =) I wish I were much more creative and did some drawing or collages or something, but a few pretty colored asterisks are about all I've got in me, haha.

Also, in the front of my book I have space for keeping track of other more infrequent things.
I wrote down all the variations of Nook Miles Furniture I have, and that my brothers have.
I was recording every Nook Miles Ticket Island I visited, seeing who I ran into on the islands while searching for my dreamies.
Some other general checklists ~ Gulliver Items, Museum donations
I have a separate excel spreadsheet for the catalog (which could probably be incorporated into a journal, but I just find a computer spreadsheet or one of the catalog websites easier since the game keeps updating all the items that are available) for furniture, clothes, etc.
Yup, that's pretty much my list too! I forgot to say that Talk to the Villagers is really helpful because I'm trying to collect all my villagers' photos. While I still had a lot of photos to collect, it was helpful to make sure I talked to everyone. Now it's just a few villagers I need to make sure I talk to everyday. But it's also fun because every time I get one I mark it off with some colored pens =) I wish I were much more creative and did some drawing or collages or something, but a few pretty colored asterisks are about all I've got in me, haha.

Also, in the front of my book I have space for keeping track of other more infrequent things.
I wrote down all the variations of Nook Miles Furniture I have, and that my brothers have.
I was recording every Nook Miles Ticket Island I visited, seeing who I ran into on the islands while searching for my dreamies.
Some other general checklists ~ Gulliver Items, Museum donations
I have a separate excel spreadsheet for the catalog (which could probably be incorporated into a journal, but I just find a computer spreadsheet or one of the catalog websites easier since the game keeps updating all the items that are available) for furniture, clothes, etc.
I did not think of the Island variation colors or Nook Mile Islands, so that is something to keep in mind, I do have a bug - fish - sea creature checklist. But you pointed out museum donations, that was a good reminder, because there is art, and fossils too.
I recently downloaded an app for smartphone called Crosspedia. It has a critterpedia where you can mark which bugs/fish you have donated, and you can set the app to filter which bugs/fish are currently available that have not been donated. I wish I had this all last year because it would have saved me so much time researching what I needed each month. After using it throughout January, I feel completing the critterpedia in my second town will be a lot easier.

I use the app (no period in app store name) to keep track of dailies, my catalog, what diys I know, museum progress, etc. It also has a visitor tracker and an event calendar! c:
Since I don't really feel obligated to do all the dailies and other things, planners just seem over-the-top for my style of play. It's also super tedious to have to add all that in manually when I've got other, easier solutions. However, I do use a OneNote page to keep track of DIYs and art for both me and a friend of mine. I also have a few wishlists on VillagerDB that I use my in-game catalog or the one on the NSO app to check off.