Full-Fledged Fish
Does anyone know what happens, I heard that animal crossing will consider it at new day at 6 AM so it knows when to move in new villigers and events but what happens if you play at that time?
Oh thank you i just assumed that it would delay it until you saved and quit
Yeah, pretty much what Ku_otaku said, but don't play at 6 AM.
It's so boring to the point I just wait around for stuff to happen.
It doesn't help that I mostly play ACNL on weekdays.
Playing at 6am basically like
I used to play at 6:00 am all the time. It's not so bad if you put the early-bird ordinance on. It's not long before the other villagers start to wake up, etc. Even without the early-bird ordinance on, you can still find the normal villagers up at 6:00 am, so I never feel lonely, lol. I would sometimes catch a bit of the 5:00 am music if I played just before 6:00 am. I don't know how to explain it, but the music for that hour just sounds "stale". It's fitting that it's played just before the start of a new day.
You forgot to mention that Jocks also get up at 6.
Jocks get up at 7:00 am without the early-bird ordinance on.
I used to work overnights at my job and would check my town every day I worked at 6:01 am. It was kind of magical to me. I loved the sunrises and seeing my villagers snoring in their homes.