Please hold my stuff?


Jan 9, 2017
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Timmy Christmas Doll
Poptart Easter Egg
100% (111) +
After taking a break from the game I've decided I need to restart my town, plus, the layout I've got isn't working for me anymore. I have a storage unit full of stuff including some flowers and 4 bags of money so I don't have to keep going to and from my town to yours I just need to fill/empty the storage and I'll be done. I can offer some tbt or some IGB, just send me a message if you're interested. Thanks for reading.
How long do you think it would take to restart your town? I only ask because while I am completely free today to hold your items and have you pick them back up, I will be busy tomorrow and Monday and don't want you to have to wait. Totally okay if you'd like someone else to do it though! :)
I should be pretty quick, I'm not super fussy when it comes to selecting a layout etc, the bits that would take the longest is dropping off/collecting my items again
I can do it then! I can open my gates in a few minutes and you can just dump stuff wherever you find room. I'll try to clear my flowers away from the train area so you can put yours down!
That'd be great, let me just add your friend code and I'll come on over :) Do you want tbt as a thank you?
Gate is open! I might step away for a bit but feel free to use whatever space you need. There are extra bells on the right beach that I dont need if you want those when you restart as well. Totally up to you on if you want to give tbt or not! I dont mind just helping out!
I'm all done dropping it off so I should be back to pick it up shortly, thank you again for helping :)
Okay! I'm going to close my gates so no one comes in while you are resetting. Just let me know when you are ready to pick everything up again :)
I've done the train line etc, just going through all the stuff with Isabelle
I'll be over in a sec, player name is still the same but the town name is different