Selling *Please Lock*


Video Game Monster
Jun 28, 2013
0% (0) +
Edit: As I see this most likely won't take off, I'd like this thread locked. Thanks :)
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Why is this a service? That requires so much money, too! Not in a sarcastic way. In a legitiment question way.
A lot of people don't have a golden axe, and ask for others to cut down trees for them. I've seen people pay others millions to cut down trees for them, this is nothing. Also, the prices do vary. If it's a puny amount of trees I adjust the price below the range stated. It's just a general amount.

I figured I'd give it a go, since I've seen a lot of people ask for this service.
Golden axes have unlimited uses. Silver and normal axes die fairly quickly. (Only a few uses available on each)
I thought It was because golden axes have a chance to leave special stumps. Like instead of circles, oranges and stars. Reguler and Silver do that, just lower rates.
No, the whole point of the service is you get rid of unwanted trees easily when you can't do it yourself.
You're not going to get a lot of people. Not that many people want their trees cut. Also, you're not even offering to dig the stumps, which is the boring part.

More likely, someone would just buy the axes, which they'd get for way less than 100k.
If this doesn't take off, then I'll let it die in the sea of other lost posts. I figured I'd give it a try, in case somebody wanted the service. :)