Please Teach Me Your Ways!


Senior Member
Jan 14, 2014
Hi Everyone!

My name is Valentina and I'm new to this thread. I was looking around and seeing all the different posts and signatures...You all have a system going. I would like to learn from you guys and hopefully get the hang of this system soon! I'm fairly new to this community and only found this forum site a few days ago.

From looking around, I see that lots of people are using strange terms meaning things that I don't really understand..

Please! I look forward to learning about the Animal Crossing New Leaf community and wish to become a part of it!
A new person...

Without further ado, welcome to The Bell Tree Forums!
Here you will find many oranges and cats-or a mix of the two (Tangy)!
If you need help, I'm thoroughly capable of giving it!
Thank you for the welcome!
I do have some questions I'd like to ask..

Concerning Villagers: How does the trading system work? And what do terms like void mean?
Hey welcome! I'm new here too, but I'm sure we will get the hang of the system soon!
AngelValentina. <3 THAT USERNAME. It's beautiful. <:

Sending a villager into the void means that you are simply letting them move out without giving it to anyone. Letting the villager go. It happens after the day they are in boxes in their house. The next day they disappear (unless you give the villager to someone) which is often referred to sending them into the void.

In case you were wondering, here is where you can find the little images of all the villagers on ACNL (you'll see them a lot in signatures):

You can pay someone to make a signature for you, or if you're good with Photoshop/GIMP/I unno what else then try to make one for yourself.
Void is the place where villagers go when they leave (if they don't go to another town)
Aah, thanks for that info! I feel bad that I let so many of my villagers go into the void! So sad, I had lots of nice villagers that people here would probably be happy to receive if only I found this forum sooner!

So, how do you avoid from getting your villagers sent into the void? I understand that someone has to go into your village and take them but I don't know how that happens. Do they have to make friends with the villager?
Welcome to the forums, Angel! ^^

In order to not let a villager get voided, you'll need to exchange friend codes with whomever you want to give the villager away to. Then, you go to your train station and open the gates; they will come visit you, talk to the villager in boxes, and the villager will then move to the visitor's town. Whether or not you want anything in exchange is up to you!

'Dreamies', or dream villagers, are a list of the absolute must-have villagers in someone's town. Some people require proof of this by seeing the villager in a signature or some such, before they will go through with a transaction. Personally, I think people's tastes change day by day, and needing to prove someone is your dreamie is silly. But it could be a way to ensure that your villager goes somewhere they're loved - it is really frowned upon to get a villager in a giveaway, then wait until they move out of your town and auction/sell them off.
Aah I see what you mean. It's disheartening to see the villager you love and want go to someone else only to have them give them away in the end.

Thanks for the info on exchanges and thanks for your welcome!! I'm glad to know this community has a lot of good people in it! I've been in other competitive game communities where everyone's's tiresome!

Anyways, I'm actually studying video game design in school and I'm fairly good in graphic arts! I may be able to whip up something for my signature! I did look through the list of villagers and have chosen my favourites.
Hi again everyone! I wanted to know if someone could please explain to me what the term "cycling" means in Villager Trading Plaza thread!
Cycling - Moving villagers in and out quickly in an attempt to acquire certain ones, or in the case of many cycling threads, help people find their dream villagers.

At least that's how I understand it. ;)
Cycling - Moving villagers in and out quickly in an attempt to acquire certain ones, or in the case of many cycling threads, help people find their dream villagers.

At least that's how I understand it. ;)

Aah okay I see! Thanks!

Alright, I have another question:

What does DLC stand for?
Hey I just joined up too & I'd love to be a big part of it as well, hopefully we can both help each other too .... hope to hear from you soon