Please visit my Dream Address to check if it's still active

Underneath The Stars

거기 너 i fancy you
Jun 3, 2018
Tasty Cake
100% (94) +
i started playing acnl again yay! but i currently have difficulty managing my new console and i can't connect to the internet and update or check if my dream is still active.

would anyone be a sweetheart and just check if it's still active? 4C00-00F3-5DFD.
also it would be lovely if you can tell what season it is (i remember it being winter the last time. thanks in advance!)
just visited, your dream adress is still active! the season is winter :blush: lovely town btw <3

thank you! i've heard it resets the activity when someone also visits, so very much appreciated and thanks for the compliment <3

i saw your other thread, and when i get my workaround to updating my system and play online, i'll add you
Just visited you're dream address.
Great town with a good selection of villagers.