Plum Stews


Moon Princess
Oct 29, 2014
BONJOUR. Okay, so I don't actually speak French, which kind of bad for someone doing GCSE French and sitting on a B average... :confused: (But I do speak quite a bit of German :D). Anyway, let's get on with the introductions:

My (user)name is J2a1m1i2e, which is my main alias on the internet, along with, but not limited to, the following: HashtagHola, HashtagHola13, Eeveelution Co-ordinator, TheDawningGlaceon and so on and so forth, but you can call me J2 or Jamie if you want. I am your not so average male teenager; I am obsessed with gaming, manga, anime, reading, the usual weeaboo stuff. I also have a passion for learning and paperwork... weird, I know... I joined the forum a while ago, but am only starting to want to become active, after my LOOOONG hiatus from my ACNL game... (PINEWOOD REPRESENT!). I'm here to have fun, make new friends and secretly harvest your souls for use in my dark magic spells... oops, was I not meant to say that?

Well... I guess I might as well quick fire some other random stuff while I'm talking/writing/who cares let's get on with it:
-I live in the United Kingdom, and yes, I am obsessed with tea
-I'm currently doing my GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education, completed between ages 14-16), and will be all finished with school next year... until I do A-levels while everyone leaves school... yay for liking school...
-In fact, I like school so much, I plan to eventually follow through and teach as my career in the future :3
-Also, I hope to some day go to Canada, because mooses... meese? I don't know...
-I hate all insects, and sea creatures, and the dark, and arachnids, and being upside... yeah I like to just stay inside then...
-I hope to start getting into cosplay next year when I get more money/time/skills/souls to power self in demonic rituals, and I really want to cosplay something from AC, maybe Lyle, not sure yet...
-I have just realised how long this post is going on for, so I better wrap up soon
-If you have any other questions or I don't know what, don't hesitate to ask! I don't bite (much)!
-Also, no, I don't like plums OR stew... Don't ask why I named the thread that, because I don't actually know...

Welcome to the forum Jamie :) Your text makes you sound so interesting and a person I'd love to be friends with, heh. Hi5 on hating sea creatures and the dark, even thinking about it gives me goosebumps.

If you do cosplay as Lyle you absolutely must post pictures.
Thanks sour! To be honest, I pretty much hate most aspects of nature, but those I don't hate, like forests, or mountains etc. I absolutely love, so yeah, pretty two sides of the same coin (Did I use that expression right... Oh I hope I used it right o.0).

And yeah, I'm hoping for next November to actually cosplay at a convention, and Lyle seems to be the easiest for me at the moment xD And of course I'd post pictures, I need all the bragging rights xP
Welcome to TBT!
I hope you enjoy your time here and I think you'll fit in just fine :)