Pocket Camp Complete - Question - Friends helping with garden event


Junior Member
Dec 2, 2024
Chocolate Coins
Reposted from Discord: I just got the new Pocket Camp complete. I have been playing the original Pocket Camp since launch. Enjoying it so far. I did have a question: I'm doing the current Garden Event. Does anyone know how I can help others with the Event? I open the game and I see some of my friends have helped me. In the old version there was a button where you could help them. I see no way of doing it. I went to the new area Whistler's Pass and talked to my friends. Thinking it's where I could help. Nope. The only option is for them to help me get into the Quarry. Very confused. I'm sure I'm missing something. Thanks for any help you can provide.
my understanding is that there isn't actually an option, unfortunately, the game is just automatically doing it and pretending it's your friends, probably to give them some kind of life.
Thank you. Yes. That is the conclusion I came to as well. Someone replied to my Discord post and thought the same thing. Still happy to have that option even if it's a random type thing.