Pokémon Pokeballs?


❀੯ू❛ัू &#379
Sep 23, 2014
3 Envelopes
When breeding do you care about what pokeball is passed down? What's your favorite and least favorite pokeball?
I never noticed that certain pokeballs are passed down ._.

whatever the female's pokeball is, the offspring will have it but if youre breeding a male and a ditto, the offspring will have the normal pokeball.

i like premier and luxury balls.
I like all of my Pok?mon in regular Pok?balls, I found the ball getting passed down in X/Y kind of annoying but I can see its usefulness now and it's easy enough to avoid. However when I was breeding for my shiny Zorua I got a Japanese female in an ultra ball and now my shiny is in an Ultra ball, it's the only one of my Pok?mon that is and it's so frustratiiiing *tear* This wouldn't have happened except I didn't know it was also changed in X/Y that the female Pok?mon can also pass on egg moves, not just the male.
I'm so picky about this, lol.

Honestly, a lot of my favorites went into Luxury Balls, though a few just looked better coming out of a Dusk Ball (like Spiritomb).

If it's a water type, I want it in a cute Net Ball. If it's for a specific pretty collection - like my Vivillon collection - I want them in adorable Heal Balls. So on and so forth.

Some were really difficult to get in the "right one." I tried really hard to get Zygarde into a Dusk Ball, which you'd think would be really easy seeing as he's in a freakin' cave, but he just wasn't having it. I got frustrated and just started throwing things... and out of all of them.. sigh.

He's in a Heal Ball. DESTROYER OF WORLDS - lives in a pink ball.
Some were really difficult to get in the "right one." I tried really hard to get Zygarde into a Dusk Ball, which you'd think would be really easy seeing as he's in a freakin' cave, but he just wasn't having it. I got frustrated and just started throwing things... and out of all of them.. sigh.

He's in a Heal Ball. DESTROYER OF WORLDS - lives in a pink ball.
But he hates those that destroy the ecosystem. Yveltal was a destroyer. :p

I'm the same as you, it depends on the Pokemon. Some of them look really good in certain balls, like Ghost and Dark Pokemon in Dusk Balls. I'm not as picky though, I can have a Pokemon team where they all come out of regular Poke Balls and be fine with it. It's just that if they are in a fitting ball, it just gives that extra stylish oomph to it.
Well since I used Powersave, I would usually hack my Females to have Gen 2 exclusive pokeballs.

I used Love Balls alot.
I love having my pokes in special pokeballs, another poster said, it makes them that bit more unique. I've collected so many via trades in GFAQs, thank God for the pokebank lol. I personally like apricorn balls the best, moon balls, love balls and heavy balls especially. Hatching a shiny in a special pokeball is awesome too ^_^
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Yes I like having pokemon with specific pokeballs. Still waiting for the ability to change pokeballs they are in though.
I like any kind of Pokeball, but I mostly favor the normal one.

I don't know, there's just something about it that makes it feel special...
I like the Net Ball and the Luxury Ball. I will sometimes try to get a pokemon in a certain pokeball if I think it looks cool. I like to get Electross in a Dive Ball because it looks like a fish even though it's an electric type. :) I think it is cool that you can pass pokeballs. It adds some fun variety, but I never tried breeding a specific pokeball.
I don't really mind what ball they're in but most of the time I'll just go with the regular pokeball. Most of my hard to catch pokemon end up in ultra balls.