Pokemon Comics


~the millennium is now~
Apr 29, 2010
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
20 Envelopes
5 Envelopes
Hi there! i decided to make my own pokemon comics with pokemon sprites in it! you can put your own pokemon in it but just signing this form below.

Pokemon name (optional):
Clothes? (optional):
Anything else? (optional):

Here is my example,

Pokemon: Marshtomp
Pokemon name: Steppe
Shiny?: No
Clothes?: a Ballet tutu
Anything else?: No

This is my first ever pokemon comic i created below!

It is the very first one i created I hope you like it!


Name: Steppe
Pokemon: Marshtomp
Likes: Ballet dancing

Name: Maria
Pokemon: Meloetta
Likes: all types of dancing

More coming soon!
No offence but It's dry and cheesy and not funny. Even if it is your first comic, I can be bad quality and be funny but I would say if you are going to make a funny comic, atleast make it funny and not cheesy funny. Sorry but it's true man. Good luck though.
It's extremely dull.....be more creative. Look at the comics in the other thread. They might be kind of eccentric, but they're funny. Like Fillfall said, it looks just like copy and paste. No originality or funnies.
i've seen another pokemon comic using sprites and it was popular! how come everyone hates it? i know about the reasons you said. there will be another one coming soon and it will be funnier!
I made a much better one! this time i added backgrounds and a little more humor!
Still no. Gaudy as **** and looks terrible.

I cba to do mine. Suffice to say it's something I ACTUALLY thought of irl as I played black.
it's funny
how do you not see how using paint to make a comic and pass it off as good as being funny?
Instead of doing Pok?mon do the characters. Find events within the games which annoyed you and play them out how YOU Want. Like I came up with the idea of the main character doing a FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- rage after Clay releases those Plasma members you battled hellishly to get.
Okay to all those who hate my comic: Why? i did use backgrounds and all that stuff! but i can't afford MS paint! i'm quitting for now.
Okay here are some things I have to say. One, We are hating it because it's not funny, It's not that hard to figure out something funny, simple things can be funny. These comics: http://www.explosm.net/ are funny and simple, They make on each day and never run out of ideas. Your comics don't make sense, if you're going to make a comic and your not funny then don't make a comedy one, make one of the journey of like Marstomp to meet his true love of something. Also in explosm comics, They have no background or good drawing but they still make some funny comics, design doesn't make it funny, its the humour itself. I know I said add some backgrounds but still...
If you quit then you will never succeed, Because some people don't think its funny doesn't mean that you should quit, If everyone who was successful quit where would they be now? Just keep on practicing, doing it, Accept CnC and you'll improve. Look at other comics to be inspired. Nothing hard about that, I understand how you feel, Happened to me before with my signatures so don't worry and keep on doing your thing man.

Also, I don't get the comic, Why was she cold?