PSP Doesn't. That annoys me. Me DSi is Japanese and wont connect to my Wi-Fi... But I have the Nintendo DS Browser for my Ds Lite. I'll check it later.
... I can't be bothered keeping this secret anymore. I'll just give you a taste of it (since it isn't that great anyway).
Whenever the Market Place thing gets released, the GPX shop (Which will be run by me) will come back - But... It is going to be completely different from the old shop John owned. What do I mean b this??? Well, you'll have to wait...
And it might not open once the Market Place opens up. I'm Opening it in February or later. So it the Market Place opens up sometime this month (which it might) the shop wont get posted until February.
Lol, no I've planned it out and everything in the FAQ it will say I wont be hiring unless there is a GPX Boom. You've got more TBT Bells than me anyway!
"You've adopted 0 Pok?mon so far today. You may adopt 117 more before midnight EST." Really, who needs to adopt 117+ Pokemon in a day??