Pokemon Legends ZA - Dream Starters?


Jan 2, 2015
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I keep seeing 'leaks' about Legends ZA, which all get debunked, but as we haven't had any further news about I'm very interested to know
What Pokemon would you like to see as the starters, and why?
Additionally if you have any fan-art you've seen of alternate Kalos starter forms I'd love to see!

For me, I'd like Snivy, Totodile and Chimchar as the starters.

Serperior reminds me of French royalty, so I think a Kalosian form + Mega could be really interesting.
Totodile and Chimchar are simply because I want them to get an alternate form + mega.

I'd really love mega serperior to get Dragon typing, something like this but maybe blue?
Internape being similar to Hisuian typhlosian could be cool, adding the ghost type.
Feraligatr getting the steel or rock typing could also be interesting.

Serperior : https://aminoapps.com/c/pokemon/page/blog/mega-serperior-forms/Mjhk_uaE1xG0opvn8V7eEVzblZX4Ln
Infernape art : ]pokemon/comments/17fob2l/oc_what_if_infernape_had_a_megaevolution
Feraligatr by Tommycase on Deviantart
What I would like to see:
Snivy or Chikorita
Litten or Tepig
Piplup or Sobble

Not sure about secondary typings for any of the evolutions. I think a Grass/Fairy Meganium would be good. For Serperior, maybe Steel or Dragon. Litten seems like a surprise but I can see them giving it Fighting. If not Serperior then Emboar would be a good add. I would give it Ground or Dark. Empoleon is fitting for a France region but other than Steel maybe giving it Fighting but on the special end like Keldeo. Inteleon would be good since its the worst Galar starter and Galar is right next door. I would give it Ghost or Poison.

What we will receive:
Chespin -> Chesnaught -> Grass/Fighting Mega Chesnaught
Fennekin -> Delphox -> Fire/Psychic Mega Delphox
Froakie -> Greninja -> Water/Dark Mega Greninja

I can bet on this. The longer that we have no info the further my belief that this is what we'll get.
Calling it now they're gonna be Piplup, Chikorita or Snivy and Torchic, they're the easiest ones to add classic french undertones to (Napoleón, Fleur de Lis, national bird). I can't think on types tho, they could be anything haha
Calling it now they're gonna be Piplup, Chikorita or Snivy and Torchic, they're the easiest ones to add classic french undertones to (Napoleón, Fleur de Lis, national bird). I can't think on types tho, they could be anything haha
Water/Fire could be pretty cool for Empoleon as I know theres a french napoleon canon. Might make it a little too similar to Blastoise though
What I would like to see:
Snivy or Chikorita
Litten or Tepig
Piplup or Sobble

Not sure about secondary typings for any of the evolutions. I think a Grass/Fairy Meganium would be good. For Serperior, maybe Steel or Dragon. Litten seems like a surprise but I can see them giving it Fighting. If not Serperior then Emboar would be a good add. I would give it Ground or Dark. Empoleon is fitting for a France region but other than Steel maybe giving it Fighting but on the special end like Keldeo. Inteleon would be good since its the worst Galar starter and Galar is right next door. I would give it Ghost or Poison.

What we will receive:
Chespin -> Chesnaught -> Grass/Fighting Mega Chesnaught
Fennekin -> Delphox -> Fire/Psychic Mega Delphox
Froakie -> Greninja -> Water/Dark Mega Greninja

I can bet on this. The longer that we have no info the further my belief that this is what we'll get.

You may be on to something here. Gamefreak loves to "surprise" people, so I could see them doing something completely different with the starters for this particular Legends game. Giving the Kalos starters Mega forms in lieu of regional variants just to do something different is a pretty good guess.
It goes without saying, but I would love Totodile as a starter. I wouldn’t evolve him further than a Croconaw, though.
You may be on to something here. Gamefreak loves to "surprise" people, so I could see them doing something completely different with the starters for this particular Legends game. Giving the Kalos starters Mega forms in lieu of regional variants just to do something different is a pretty good guess.
Yes, GF likes to do different things in each game. As much as I like regional variants, there weren't as many in SV as there were in previous games which means GF is slowly moving away a little bit from them if the pattern continues. I can see us receiving one of the Kalos starters and Mega evolving them during the main game and receiving the other two starter Megastones postgame.
I'd really hope Chimchar would be a starter since it's my favorite starter in general, but I doubt it'll happen, lol. Other than that I'm not sure what other starters I'd prefer.
I'd really hope Chimchar would be a starter since it's my favorite starter in general, but I doubt it'll happen, lol. Other than that I'm not sure what other starters I'd prefer.
Tbh I could see a really elegant fire fairy infernape that looks quite French with the detail of its design. That being said I don’t know enough about France to know what it would be based on