[Pokèmon SWSHop] some HA mons + now with POKERUS

Nov 2, 2016
Throwback Tickets
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Moon Bunny
Blue Rocket Pop
Ocean Pearl
Oarfish Head
Oarfish Body
Oarfish Body
Oarfish Tail
Silver Moon Jellyfish
Red Super Star Trophy
100% (111) +
CURRENT STATUS: unavailable (zzz)
my time zone is GMT and ill usually be available from 2PM to all day. i have been getting a few requests from the middle of the night/in the morning but i can stay up/be available earlier for these

random PKRS mon: 50 TBT ea.


50 TBT ea. (100 with PKRS)
bold/calm applin: bulletproof (premier ball)
quiet/modest hatenna: magic bounce (repeat ball)
jolly drilbur: mold breaker (premier ball)
calm/modest snom: ice scales (net ball)
bold cottonee: chlorophyll (ultra ball)
adamant impidimp: pickpocket (great ball)
quiet/calm/bold solosis: regenerator (ultra ball)
timid sinistea (forged ver): cursed body (ultra ball)
calm corsola: cursed body (beast ball)
adamant rookidee: big pecks (poke ball)


30 TBT ea. (80 with PKRS)
adamant mimikyu (love ball)
jolly/adamant dreepy (moon ball)
adamant stonjourner (ultra ball)
timid cutiefly (egg moves: sticky web, moonblast, in a net ball)
jolly eiscue (egg moves: belly drum, icicle crash, in an ultra ball)
jolly scorbunny (egg moves: high jump kick, super fang, sand attack, sucker punch, in a poke ball)


(all of them are english.)
HA 4IV ditto modest x/31/31/31/31/x 100 TBT (150 with PKRS)
4IV DITTOS - 60 TBT ea. (110 with PKRS)
impish 31/x/x/31/31/31
impish 31/x/31/31/x/31
lonely 31/31/31/x/31/x
sassy 31/31/x/x/31/31
careful 31/31/31/x/x/31
naughty 31/x/31/x/31/31
bold x/x/31/31/31/31
3IV DITTOS - 30 TBT ea. (80 with PKRS)
timid x/31/x/x/31/31
calm 31/31/x/31/x/x


strawberry sweet x4 20 TBT
love sweet 30 TBT
feathers: 2 TBT ea.
health feather (hp) x11
muscle feather (atk) x10
genius feather (sp.atk) x8
resist feather (def) x6
clever feather (sp.def) x12
swift feather (spe) x8
evolution stones: 4 TBT ea.
leaf stone​

FORM TO COPY AND PASTE (not necessary but helpful)

other info
all of them have amazing stats (apart from the 3iv ditto, a couple of the 4iv ditto and the random pokerus mons) when judged
you can ask for as many as you want since i can breed more, i can breed different abilities and natures as well if u ask but natures might take a while depending on my luck
when we trade my IGN will be scarlet just in case you get matched with someone else

zacian (i can also offer zazamenta for this)
star sweet
love balls, moon balls, master balls
shiny cutiefly/ribombee
shiny feebas/milotic
shiny sinistea/polteageist
HA gothita/gothorita/gothitelle
HA f.indeedee
shiny milcery/alcremie
(can offer tbt as well)
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Would you do 200 tbt for a JP ditto and clover sweet?
Hi there! I'm really interested in 2 Bold Applins with HA (or is it just one?) and the Modest Magic Bounce Hatenna! I unfortunately don't have anything you're interested in but I can offer TBT, maybe 50 TBT each? Thanks for your time!
Would you do 200 tbt for a JP ditto and clover sweet?
yes that works :)

Hi there! I'm really interested in 2 Bold Applins with HA (or is it just one?) and the Modest Magic Bounce Hatenna! I unfortunately don't have anything you're interested in but I can offer TBT, maybe 50 TBT each? Thanks for your time!
i do have 2 applin, and thats also fine!
i do have 2 applin, and thats also fine!

Sounds great, thanks so much! Are you available to trade right now? I may have to be going soon if you'd rather set up another time to trade!
Connecting now, my IGN is Akira , I'll also go ahead and send TBT now thank you!
Mine's Kopiko. I'll just send a Milcery to you. I'll send tbt now too
hi! how much for a sweet + applin + mimikyu?