Poll: How good is ACWW?


Not an actual piece of furniture.
Site Owner
Nov 7, 2004
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This poll is to compare how well done people think ACWW was relating to wether or not you had AC for the GCN.

Note: "I haven't played AC(GCN)" means you haven't played it a lot, so if you played it a few times it doesn't count.
Nice HTML-ing Storm


Oh, I haven't played GCN AC. You know that, Storm. AND you know AC:WW owns.
[quote="Shadow_] Nice HTML-ing Storm


Oh, I haven't played GCN AC. You know that, Storm. AND you know AC:WW owns. [/quote]
Heh... I didn't know BBCode doesn't work in polls. It's fixed now


By the way, I actually got this idea from when you said you didnt have AC(GCN). heh.
I knew it!

:p It kind of made sense you posting this, you know, in this form and everything

:p Anyway, I voted Numero One.

I just realized I'm a rock. And never said Post Quality: This is my mission for a while.
i've palyed both, i really was expecting more from Wild World though... it got totally overhyped...

i think it sort of sucks that they degraded the music in this version, we never thought music ment so much in a game... but it does.
I also voted for "I HAVE played AC(GCN): I think it is a good game, but I was expecting more." I think it was a little too similar to AC(GCN). Of course, it's only a handheld game and it's amazing how much information was jammed into the little card.
When Storm says "I have played AC(GCN) and I think it is very well done" which game does it stand for?
FreddieMercury91 said:
I HAVE played AC(GCN): I think ACWW was poorly done.
My feelings exactly.
I agree... "poorly done" is an understatement. The game was abysmal compared to AC GCN! The music is horrible in AC:WW, it lags a lot, the multiplayer is a disgrace... I mean, I'm not wasting ten whole minutes waiting for my dude to get to another town. :\

I enjoy Mario Kart, which has MUCH faster loading times and little lag compared to AC:WW, and Metroid Prime Hunters, which also has faster loading times and no lag at all, more than AC:WW. By far. :|
I voted for the top option, but it comes in between that and "expecting more."
It was fun, but they couldve done more to make it better.
I've never played Animal Crossing (GCN) and I love Wild Worlds.I'm thinking of buying AC(GCN) next timeI go to the store
AC (GCN) was good but I was expecting more; same with AC:WW, Its better but still missing that certain something ... maybe the revolution version will finally satisfy us

I have also play Animal Crossing for the Gamecube and yes ACWW is good by I was expecting more as far as holidays is concerned and more villagers. Btw I haven't really played the gcn version for very long just got it Christmas then acww on my birthday two days after christmas.