So since the fountain is needed for an unbreakable axe, and an unbreakable axe is INCREDIBLY useful, I'm sure everyone wants to get/use a fountain to get one. Problem is, the game just released and not many people are incredibly wealthy. Well, an unbreakable axe is practically needed to make an orchard now, since Nook NEVER sells axes or slingshots (that or he just hates me).
So here's my deal, no sugar and my reasoning: Agree to donate bells to my town to get the fountain, and I'll give you guys free access to my fountain. Since it IS my town, I will of course pay more (it's only right that I should). The more people agree to pitch in, the less everyone involved has to pay, and the quicker we get this fountain. Anyone in?
So here's my deal, no sugar and my reasoning: Agree to donate bells to my town to get the fountain, and I'll give you guys free access to my fountain. Since it IS my town, I will of course pay more (it's only right that I should). The more people agree to pitch in, the less everyone involved has to pay, and the quicker we get this fountain. Anyone in?