Auction Poppy the Adorable Normal Squirrel

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Filbert Fanatic
Jun 21, 2015
Tasty Cake
100% (52) +
Poppy is moving out of my town! I think she's so cute! I love her little bouncy tail ;u;


However! She is one of my three normal villagers (I also have Savannah and Skye) and they have grown on me more than she has, especially since I've had Savannah for three years and she's basically my town's mom.

I know she's pretty popular (and adorable) and I really want her to go to a good home. So if Poppy is a dream villager of yours, I'd rather she go to you!

She is not 100% original. Things in her house have changed, but it's still a pretty cute house! She's wearing a Night-Sky tee, but if you adopt her I have a Rally Tee with your name on it that you can give to her and hope she wears! Her current catchphrase is "peanut" instead of "nutty" but that's easily fixed (peanut is really cute as well tho uwu)

Auction ends at: 1 a.m. EST

Starting bid: 1 million IGB
Minimum increase: 250k IGB
Buyout: 10 million IGB
Current Highest Bid: p e p p e r with 2 million

Thank you!
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When does this end? I recently lost her in my main town. </3 I'll bid 1 mil.
6 mil.

- - - Post Merge - - -

OP, technically my 3 mil bid won, right? He posted at the 1AM mark, which means it's over.
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Auction is over now! uwu

LunaLight wins with 6 million bells!

Let me add you, TT to have Poppy in boxes, and then open my gates! uwu
Wait, but technically... Ergh, nevermind. Let me know when she's in boxes. :p
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