Post your island's human residents!


🔮 Pokémon Master 🔮
Dec 13, 2014
Yellow Balloon
Pink Balloon
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
Crystal Tree
I know a lot of people share their islands with other people, so I'd like to see all the human residents on everyone's islands! For me, I play by myself so I just created extra residents to fill my island with inhabitants.

I have been creating extra residents since New Leaf, since I like to expand my storage and also create more houses! In New Horizons, that's no exception.

Since New Horizons doesn't have a "mayor" I think of my first character as my mayor. She has my real life name, Emma, and is the island's witch!

My second character I created is Nuala, she is a selkie, meaning she's a seal who sheds her skin upon coming to shore and becomes human! She uses the island as refuge from the sea.

My third character is Amethyst, a forest fairy who lives up in the mountains of my island.

What about you? Have you created extra human characters? Or have your friends and family created their own? Post yours below!
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This is my island rep/alter ego, Xara! She’s the first Animal Crossing character I’ve had that I named my real name; I always came up with different names for my characters in Wild World and New Leaf. I tend to create different variations of myself in every game I play, and this is the Animal Crossing variant of me. She doesn’t really resemble me aside from skin tone, hair and eye colour, and fashion sense (I don’t dress her in anything I wouldn’t wear irl), hence why I’ve started referring to her as my alter ego. I don’t really consider her an OC since she’s basically a different universe extension of me, but it’s fun to flesh out lore for her as if she is. I can get creative with her while incorporating my own personality, interests, experiences, dreams etc, which I enjoy. ☺️


And this is Juniper! I initially only created her for extra storage space prior to the expansion in the 2.0 update, but I’ve decided to keep her around and make her into an OC! I haven’t figured her details out much aside from her appearance, name, and a general outline of some of her story and traits, but I’ll get to it one day! Having OCs when you only feel creative and clear-minded a few months out of the year is hard lol, but I like her too much to leave her a blank slate forever!