
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2008
<big><big>LINK'S NEWBIE GUIDE #1</big></big>
<big>Posting Images..</big>

Ok, Link heeeeeere!!
I'm gonna show you how to post images step by step! Because apparently, we need this.


1. Have image - This means you've made it, and it's saved up.
2. Go to any image hosting site. (Imageshack.us is a good example)
3. There should be, or atleast on Imageshack, a nice box to easily upload images in.
4. Click [Browse], then it should bring up an 'open' window. Find your image, double click it..
5. Fill out all details below, unchecking "Resize image" unless you want it shrunk or enlarged.
6. Click [Upload!] and wait. It may take a while. When it is done.. you're at a page with the URL in one of those boxes, right? Copy the 'forum' one.
7. Then, go to your post on The Bell Tree, input..
8. Click post and you're finished!


1. Find wanted image on internet.
2. Right click it, click properties.
3. Copy the URL from the top of the window (box) that pops up.
4. Then, go to your post on The Bell Tree, input..
5. Click post and you're finished!

I hope I helped the newbies in this guide. ;3 I'll add images to each step if I can be bothered.
Erm, thanks for the guide and everything but don't you think this would have been better in 'The Bell Tree HQ' section?
[quote="]It's a newbie guide though RIGHT?[/quote]Indeed. However, this is the Intro. Section for newbies, right?
I know how to post images but I'm sure this will help other people :)
Meh, I'll leave the judgement up to you and the staff members.

However, this is a superb guide ^.^
][quote="coffeebean! said:
Nice job ]Thanks coffeh.
I thought only nubs would read this. phew.
we gots pwnsome peoples to.
Well, I gots to check what my people are telling the nubs. [Coffeh might wanna add something, ya now?] 'Tis I the n00b slayer! <33
coffeebean! said:
][quote="coffeebean! said:
Nice job ]Thanks coffeh.
I thought only nubs would read this. phew.
we gots pwnsome peoples to.
Well, I gots to check what my people are telling the nubs. [Coffeh might wanna add something, ya now?] 'Tis I the n00b slayer! <33
So I'm a slave/soldier now am I? o_O
][quote="coffeebean! said:
][quote="coffeebean! said:
Nice job ]Thanks coffeh.
I thought only nubs would read this. phew.
we gots pwnsome peoples to.
Well, I gots to check what my people are telling the nubs. [Coffeh might wanna add something, ya now?] 'Tis I the n00b slayer! <33
So I'm a slave/soldier now am I? o_O[/quote]No. Cry and I are the n00b slayers. Yew can be a n00b guide maker. xDDDD [Yew always want some epic spot don't yew? xP]
coffeebean! said:
][quote="coffeebean! said:
][quote="coffeebean! said:
Nice job ]Thanks coffeh.
I thought only nubs would read this. phew.
we gots pwnsome peoples to.
Well, I gots to check what my people are telling the nubs. [Coffeh might wanna add something, ya now?] 'Tis I the n00b slayer! <33
So I'm a slave/soldier now am I? o_O
No. Cry and I are the n00b slayers. Yew can be a n00b guide maker. xDDDD [Yew always want some epic spot don't yew? xP][/quote]No. "One of my people" I recall you saying.
xD So I'm just a guide maker am I? Well whatever.
I never said that I was one your people ynow..
Gawd, I can imagine you when you're older with all the guys worshipping you....



][quote="coffeebean! said:
][quote="coffeebean! said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep
Well, I gots to check what my people are telling the nubs. [Coffeh might wanna add something, ya now?] 'Tis I the n00b slayer! <33
So I'm a slave/soldier now am I? o_O[/quote]No. Cry and I are the n00b slayers. Yew can be a n00b guide maker. xDDDD [Yew always want some epic spot don't yew? xP][/quote]No. "One of my people" I recall you saying.
xD So I'm just a guide maker am I? Well whatever.
I never said that I was one your people ynow..
Gawd, I can imagine you when you're older with all the guys worshipping you....



..*Drool*..[/quote];o Oh yesh, be jelly. [laughs] Anyways, fine you can be a n00b soldier. Happy? NOW BOW DOWN TO ME! XD LAWL jk
coffeebean! said:
][quote="coffeebean! said:
][quote="coffeebean! said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep[Coffeh might wanna add something, ya now?] 'Tis I the n00b slayer! <33
So I'm a slave/soldier now am I? o_O
No. Cry and I are the n00b slayers. Yew can be a n00b guide maker. xDDDD [Yew always want some epic spot don't yew? xP]
No. "One of my people" I recall you saying.
xD So I'm just a guide maker am I? Well whatever.
I never said that I was one your people ynow..
Gawd, I can imagine you when you're older with all the guys worshipping you....



..*Drool*..[/quote];o Oh yesh, be jelly. [laughs] Anyways, fine you can be a n00b soldier. Happy? NOW BOW DOWN TO ME! XD LAWL jk[/quote]*coughmexiemocough* *hes18coughwe14cough* nuff said XD