Prepping for Festivale?


📝Hello Friend 📨
Feb 28, 2020
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Toy Duck Plush
Candy Easter Egg
I was curious if anyone is doing any kind of prepping for Festivale on thier island. Feel free to post pics of your projects.
I know for me, Ive been putting the Festivale items from nooks in this little plaza area I made infront of Ables and Nooks. However I also made some fun custom clothing too. I thought it was a little odd that the default Festivale clothing didn't resemble Pave's clothing at all.. Nor was there a white/silver set with the same sequence as Pave's. So I made my own for fun.
I've decided not to do it.

If they ever have really decent items, then I'd take part in holiday type events.
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i'll post a picture of my decorated area tomorrow since it's 12:30am and i'm not on my game atm

but i am so buzzed! the clothing & furniture is adorable and imo, better than the NL festivale stuff there i said it!!!
there is soo many festivale items on my island to the point idk where to put it, then i still buy more because i'm just so excited for festivale despite think it was basic at first lol

update: here's my beach area covered in festivale stuff vv

i'm gonna change the colour when feathers are avaliable because i don't like the green tbh
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I have an outdoor market area that I am going to use some of the festivale stuff in. I agree with Jam86, I think the items are very cute, much better than the old Festivale items. :)
nah, I'll probably be using some festivale items to decorate one of my beach areas, but it's overrun with flowers currently

so for now, I'll just focus on getting the items. both in-shop and from the event
I try to not spoil myself and see all the items before I get them on my own game, so I'm waiting a bit before decorating with the Festivale furniture.

I love how the color variations also have different patterns but I also hate that because that gives me too many options and I can't decide. For example, I got the Festivale stall today and while the flower pattern is probably my favorite, it's too purple-y for my tastes. I'll have to wait and see how I mix and match all the colors.
Since you can only buy so much Festivale furniture from Nook's Cranny, it's a little hard to decorate having only one of each stuff (I don't TT).

So far, I've only gotten one parasol, garland, lamp and confetti machine. I like symmetry so I'm a little annoyed by this.
I had a park with benches and streetlamps in an area of my town. I completely changed it for festivale. Now there's sand, palm trees, a little band area, sand castle, and rattan seating. It's so cheerful and fun. I think I will keep it this way.
I might, but considering how much of a mess my island already is right now I might just skip decorations... maybe I can fit a few things in, but I don’t know.
I have an event square near my island entrance that I use for various themes. Right now, I am slowly decorating it because of turnip sensitivity...
The Nooks only sell pink on my island. I thought it was terrible at first, but the Valentines heart bouquets go great with them so now its not so bad.
I had a beach club area that I have recoloured furniture cushions to red and palm tree lamps to tropical so it coordinates with the red festivale items. The stall looks like a tiki bar with coconut juice on it 😂 surrounded by the dance floor it has a club like feel. 😍

Just found a use for the hot air balloon this morning. Looks good at the entrance which is a kind of red autumnal theme. I missed the Christmas trees so very pleased to have lights again 😊
I have one empty part of my island that I was just about getting around to decorating, but now I'm going to include all the festivale stuff in there! so far I'm setting up a stage area and I'll probably still decorate the area around it as I was planning on
i put a balloon at the front of my island haha

ill probably keep decorations minimal but the confetti cannons sound fun