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Fairy Queen from Majesty
Aug 30, 2015
Throwback Tickets
God I can't take this. Everythings comin at me at once, and its too much to bear. School is pretty stressful right now with all these stupid projects and essays to do. Got a D in English because all of our assignments so far have been projects, essays, and quizzes. Get behind in just one, and your whole grade suffers. Its so stupid.

My mom keeps on pressuring me to 'get a job' 'get a car' 'choose a college' over and over again. Every single time we talk about anything remotely similar, and she starts pressuring me again. 'When are you gonna get a job? You were suppose to look for one when you turned 16 so you could get a car. We all go to work. We all pay bills but you. Me and your father got jobs at 14-15. Job job job job job'
Just leave me alone!

Yes, I've tried speaking up, and it all ends the same way. No one ever listens. Doesn't bother to try to undertand me and how i work and why im just not ready. They never ask about how i feel. 'Well it's life, you gotta do it sometime'.

Yes, I know that. But what if im not ready right NOW? I know nothing about college: Majors, degrees, universities and such...what the heck are those all about? No one ever taught me. Same with money and jobs. Loans? Bank Account? Checking Account? HUH? How do you expect me to just know what these things are right off the bat? I'm not wikipedia or google, and i never will be. I don't have these things just programmed into my mind.

What makes this worse is the fact my brother got a job as soon as he turned 16. So that pretty much makes me the only one who hasn't even searched for a job when i was pretty young. News flash: I'm not my brother.
Man...my friends got it easy. I don't know how people just accept it let alone WANT a job. Im not conserned over money that much...and i love my free time away from school. Why is that so much to ask? Why can't i just do what i want to do and be left alone to make my own choices? I will get a job, it's just not NOW. I really want to speak my mind...but i know i can't. It won't do any good. My bf and i have a long enough distance relationship as it is. I don't want to create an even bigger rift by getting a job and having all my free time eaten up by that stupid job. If only i could say one phrase and make my mom see.

I just don't want to!