Does anyone know what the cards, the card reader, and the actual game will cost? (In Canadian dollars, but I can convert if needed)
I don't think the cards have the correct price, otherwise they cost more than the game.But I did hear they're $2.50 for a pack of three.
And then the actual game is $40... Does that include the card reader? If not, does anyone know what that might cost?
I was thinking $40 would fit the game pretty well for a spin off of its nature. You could honestly add this as an alternate mode to the original game as DLC considering it's running the same engine.
Have you seen any gameplay videos yet? It couldn't be an add on at it's size!
well same furniture items and villagers, could be dlc
I don't think the cards have the correct price, otherwise they cost more than the game.
Looking at the link, that's a pack of Japanese amiibo cards being sold through Amazon by another retailer, so the price for the pack is probably reflective of the fact that they'd be considered an import.
I'm guessing the North American cards will cost a lot less for us (as in, normal-type prices, not tricksy import prices). In fact, I'm banking on it. I'mma' try to score me a whole box o' cards! ...If not two whole boxes.