Selling Princess, Sweets Set, Cornucopia!

Thank you. :3

The Tbt has been transfer. My town gate (Rotwood) will be left open for you.

please remember, if you're posting for something .. to be ready within a few minutes to receive it~ unless you've stated you're unable to. ;v;
is the tetteok plate, aquarius urn, autumn leaf chair, and songpyeon, still available?

Only the Aquarius urn and autumn leaf chair are available, if you'd like them, please let me know. I've an errand to run so I won't be available for another 15 minutes or so.

35 tbt for the rococo furniture set? c:

Sure! I have to attend to something quickly, so I'll have it ready + be available in about 15minutes!
i'll be ready! adding you now, and i'll open my gates once i'm added. shall i transfer the tbt now?