This has been bugging me for quite awhile, why are gift cards banned specifically yet selling game download codes/demos/etc are okay?
It just doesn't make any sense to me. I understand that the mods will not get involved if someone gets scammed, but what I don't understand is why gift cards are prohibited from being sold/bought entirely.
People sell download codes for games all of the time yet its almost the same exact thing as selling an eshop gift card because with an eshop giftcard you can download a game.
I think gift cards should be allowed to be bought and sold, or that game download codes should be prohibited as well. (Though I am not too keen on the second one tbh.)
Nothing is stopping you from pm-ing someone and taking your gift card selling outside of the forums.
Game codes are digital and are free and shouldn't be sold for money but gift cards are money and the mods don't wanna deal with it or hear about it. Because they can't help you if stuff goes bad
Yeah, i'm also confused as to why eshop credit/gift cards are prohibited but game downloads are allowed? It's not like I can exchange in eshop credits for cash from Nintendo, i can only purchase games with them so wouldn't it virtually be the same as selling game downloads?
And if it's because about potential scamming, EVERYTHING is scammable here, game demos, villagers, game downloads, etc. so that argument doesn't seem valid to me.
And also what about art commissions for cash? is that prohibited as well?
Anyways, it's still pretty easy to sell/buy eshop credits on these forums because even if mods closed your thread, the thread is still viewable and then people take it to PMs from there. I've seen the same person make multiple threads about eshop credits and they haven't faced any repercussion from the mods so I feel like this is very loosely monitored.
I actually agree that real world currency trade shouldn't be allowed through this site, even if someone was selling a real item for real money to another user on Bell Tree Forums. There's Amazon ane eBay for that. As for the forum currency/items, TBT is non-profit, so real world money should stay out of the way there.
Jeremy has answered our plebeian cries for help with a new thread in The Marketplace. Check it out through the link below for some more information regarding Prohibited Transactions on the Forum.