Pros and Cons


Senior Member
Aug 27, 2013
July Birthstone (Ruby)
White Pansy
Easter Egg
Easter Egg
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February Birthstone (Amethyst)
Tasty Cake
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
hi, happy home designers! i haven't gotten the game yet, but i've been very excited for HHD since it was announced. so--before i get this game, i was wondering what bell tree members think the pros and cons are of the game upon release. :)
Pros- everything is cute and villagers have more depth to their design requests.

Cons- not a lot of communication or socialization from villagers and no multiplayer

Also the whole only designing houses thing. Doesn't bother me but people should know that is literally it.
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lulusundae's post is pretty comprehensive, but here's some missing things.

- More design slots than were available in New Leaf.
- There's more furniture options than there were before, to include being able to put things on the ceiling and outside.
- Remodeling furniture takes seconds, instead of having to wait 30 minutes.
- Placing furniture is a LOT easier than it was before since you can use the touch screen to move things around.
- You can design a house for every single villager. No one moves out.
- Real world time is irrelevant. You don't need to worry about things being closed, and a day passes whenever you finish a job (like designing a house).

- There isn't anything to do BUT design houses and buildings.
- There is no online play at all other than looking at and rating others' houses through the Happy Home Network.
- You don't have your own house.
- The animals don't have as much to say as they do in typical Animal Crossing games.
- There are no holidays.
- You can design homes for the special characters, like Isabelle and DJ KK, but it's locked down to amiibos. Meaning you have to have those characters' respective cards and the ability to scan them (either a New 3DS or the scanner for the older 3DS).
- If you miss DLC characters or start a new save after they are no longer giving the DLC character away, you will lose the DLC character forever. There is no ability to "trade" them. There are currently 2 DLC only animals: Louie and Filly.
Video Review

TheBitBlock (a.k.a. WiiFolderJosh) has a good review of "Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer."

Josh is honest in letting you know what you're getting into with playing the game.

One pro I just realized today is that in animal crossing, when you want to lay a path you have to do every corner and it takes up alot of slots. But in this game you can rotate pieces. Much easier!!!
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