Puck's backstory


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Puck grew up in the Arctic, where there is a surprising lack of hockey. Thanks to being nested near a human research station, Puck discovered humans talking about.... Him! No, they were talking about the human sport of hockey, which happened to have a component that shared his name. He was intrigued. He wandered around awhile, and found a radio blaring out stats in between excited cries of action on the ice. Since then, Puck spent most of his time trying to learn more about this hockey. He eventually was able to find a jersey, lost or discarded, and began to wear it religiously. He also found a tv on the station, and was able to watch a few games for himself. Each time, he was star-struck.
Soon, he picked up word that the team was leaving for their home. Puck knew he had to go with him. A huge cargo plane landed, and Puck rapidly stowed away behind some of the crew's personal belongings. The flight was long and tedious, but before he knew it he was in a place that was busier, warmer, and more full of life than he had ever seen.
Despite being lost and confused, Puck was able to rely on the charity of several people. They set him up with a lovely, cool house, complete with a snowblower and a hockey stick of his very own. He eventually decided to move to Khazdhan, thanks to the cooler temperatures brought on by a more northern climate, large cliff walls, and plenty of rain. Unfortuantely, he made the mayor super mad, messing up her tree line, and decided to book it after awhile. Packed up and ready to go, where will Puck go next? Probably a Christmas town.