♥♀♥ 풍선 ,
I'm auctioning my beloved Punchy ;o; He's such a sweetie but he just doesn't quite fit the theme of my town, so I'd rather he go somewhere more appreciative!
- This auction ends just after 8PM GMT (Just after to discourage sniping!)
- The buyout price is 15M
- The reserve price is 1.5M (So if he doesn't reach that amount I'm giving him to a friend)
- Starting bid at 250K
- Minimum increments of 100K
- No maximum increment!
Other buyouts include:
- Marina
- Merengue
- Diana
- Lucky
Furniture I will accept as bids
- Princess Set = 2.5M worth of bet (So if you bid 1M + Princess set = 3.5M value)
Thank you!
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