PWP Picnic blanket


Senior Member
Jan 11, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Winter Mittens
I read in a number of places that the picnic blanket was a pwp that the villagers did not like. It was the last one I added on Friday, and yesterday woke up to perfect town status, so I guess that is not true, so wanted to share in case anyone was not wanting to add that.
Not all is exactly accurate but rumors(also from guide) mentioned that it will lower the satisfaction. But I guess if you added something else like plant or tree can actually boost up =) maybe another new pwp to cover it up~
I have it in my town, I've never lost my perfect town rating :). I didn't realise it was one of the PWP's that could lower your rating, I thought it was just things like the trash can and oil rig.
It does lower your rating slightly but you can still have a perfect town if you balance it out with lots of trees/PWPs that boost your rating.
Whaaaaat. Er-no. I have it ever since 5 months ago, it didn't change my perfect town rating.
slightly ot but not really - is there a list with all the pwps that lower/raise your town rating? i googled but i couldn't find a complete one, only bits and pieces.
What about a camping cot? I'd like one but I heard it decreases satisfaction. (It's so cheap too *0*)
I have it in my town, I've never lost my perfect town rating :). I didn't realise it was one of the PWP's that could lower your rating, I thought it was just things like the trash can and oil rig.
My thoughts exactly.
Yeah, I wouldn't think the picnic blanket would lower your rating, it seems cute. I don't have it though, so I wouldn't know.
In my old town, I had quite a few PWPs that would 'lower your rating' but my town stayed perfect for more than two weeks.